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Ramon R. Lomeli
53 articles

Academy MiG-21MF Fishbed, 1/48 scale

January 4, 2021 · in Aviation · · 16 · 3K

Hello iModeler! This is one of three kits I managed to finish last year. I used a CMK resin cockpit and wheel wells, and finished it in generic colors using the kit decals and Akan paints. Not a bad kit for the price but I think I would choose the Eduard over this one if I had to do it over.

I am also trying to improve my digital photography skills, so if anyone has some advice over that I am all ears!

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8  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. I love your Fishbed, Ramon. Excellent skills!
    I have the same kit to build one day.
    Yes, the Eduard might be a better choice, but this one looks amazing too, especially with you add-ons.

  2. An excellent looking MiG, Ramon.
    A great finish I would say.
    I'm not really into prography, but to me the images look quite ok.

  3. I echo the comments above... It looks really good, pictures and all.

  4. Looks great! Are those Akan paints lacquers or acrylics? I’ve been tempted to try their lacquers.

    • Thank you John! I used the Akan acrylics. I have never tried the lacquers but i really do like these water based paints even though I have found that they must have a primer coat underneath because they do not bond well to bare plastic. Maybe the lacquers would be a bit more durable in that regard?

  5. Very nice work on this.

  6. The Fishbed looks great! One of my favorite Soviet era fighters just because it is such a hot rod! (I'm partial to them in natural metal or silver lacquer myself but you've done a stunning job on this five color scheme.)

    As far as photography advice, I'd say soot outdoors if you can. Nothing will make you model look more realistic in photos than natural light IMO. (Especially if you can arrange it with an appropriate background!) If you shoot mid day try to do it when the sun is behind a cloud or with a light overcast to knock the harsh shadows down a bit. I've included a photo of my Gee Bee Z for reference.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  7. Tail end Charlie. Some strong work in the paint dept Ramon. The Academy Mig-21 came out in 1998 or there abouts. It was way ahead of the OEZ Mig which was very basic. I still think of the Academy kit as being pretty good. Some folks have commented the fuselage bulge for the tires for the wheel well is off. Too far ahead . Having written that and seeing is believing when things come together and look good . . . they look good.

    Two thumbs up on looking good.

  8. Thank you Stephen! Yep, I remember getting one of these Academy Fishbeds 20 years ago (!) and I thought it was great! I bought a second one about 10 years ago along with the CMK fin correction and thats where it ended up on my shelf of doom. Last year gave me time to finish it, so I did. It does have its issues but you are right - its not a bad kit. Still, I had the most fun with it painting and weathering, and I have an Eduard MiG-21 that I am really looking forward to.

    Thanks again for the kind words!

  9. That's a great-looking MiG-21. Love the paint work.

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