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Jordyn Collier
39 articles

My first post: P51 D Mustang

January 14, 2019 · in Aviation · · 25 · 2.7K

Hi guys.
My name is Jordyn Collier. I am new to this site, and I am 15. This P51 D was flown by Col. John D Landers during the second world war. He was a part of the 84th Fighter Squadron, and he received 36.5 confirmed kills, 14.5 of which were in Aerial Combat. Seeing as this is my first post, I want all of your criticism, good and bad, for later attempts. Hope you've enjoyed!

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4  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. great to know you jordyn...that's a beautiful model...your gonna get really good hangin around matter what criticism you get most of us are basically self taught...the spinner should be half white and half black

    • Thank you for pointing out that issue. I'll be sure to fix it. The kit said green and silver, and the picture looked black and silver. But thank you for the info

      • oh and there is red on the back of the spinner...and the tips of the horizontal stabilizers [the tail] are black

        1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  2. Welcome aboard, Jordyn - I think you'll like it here...lotta good folks from which to learn. Maybe next time you shoot some pics of your builds, you may wanna grab a piece of poster board or something "plain", so as to showcase your talents. That way the background won't detract from your excellent work. 🙂

  3. Jordyn, First off, welcome aboard. I can see you are already ahead of most of us when we were your age. So please don't hesitate to ask us anything. We model guys love sharing ideas. Craig (above) is right about a background !. I spent $1 at the dollar store and got a piece of grey paper. If you lean it against something and tac it down on the front edge, getting rid of any creases, it will to give it a nice curved edge. Then play with the lighting and you'll soon be a pro. Another suggestion I would make is when building a model, do some research. I found a page called "worldwarphoto" to be one of my favorites. The best way to find what your looking for on this, is to search for example "P-51 warphoto" and scan through the pictures. Here on imodeler you can scan through any of our prior posting by clicking on our icon and see our stuff. Your P-51 looks nice, I was wondering what scale it was and what kit you used ?.

  4. Only 15?...I only started this year and this is better than my first model. BTW, I'm much older than 15 🙂 Don't get too good too fast - you'll make me look bad.

  5. I can definitely say that this model, made by your at age 15, would beat the daylights out of what I was doing at the same age mumblemumble years ago.

    If this is what you're starting with Jordyn, you're gonna kill us in a few years! 🙂

    You've run across the best place to find out there are no "modeling secrets".


  6. Nice piece of work. I tried to infect my youngest brother (he is also 15) with the virus of the hobby but I failed. Nevertheless, the outcome of my attempt is to inherit the Maus 1/35 from Dragon. I had never build tanks so it will be nice of an experience.

  7. Welcome aboard Jordyn! The best feedback you deserve goes to the fact you are not afraid to show your work despite being so young? The internet has this worldwide potential to get anyone in contact with people from across the globe that share similar interests. As for your Mustang it’s far better than my matchbox edition made around your age...much better

  8. Welcome Jordyn. Nice job on the Mustang. Looks like you're on your way to a long and rewarding hobby. Hope to see more from you in the future. Good Job!

  9. Welcome aboard Jordyn, you'll surely enjoy yourself on this site. I concur on the suggestions mentioned above. Nice job on your first post, I like it.

  10. Jordyn,

    Great beginning. You picked one of the hardest Mustang paint jobs of the ETO as your first build. That said you did a very nice job. I started building models at your age and quit for 25 years before picking up the hobby again. Your off to a great start.

    I would recommend in addition to the advice from the gang here, getting a Pinterest page and tagging images of things you want to build. These are very helpful in getting details correct.

    Biggest thing to remember is if you like it, if it makes you happy, you did a good job. Welcomes aboard.

    • I do something similar to that. I take screenshots of different things and save them to one of my folders. It really does help, but my Pinterest acount I have may need to be updated with a new board. Thank you for the suggestion!

  11. Hello Jordyn and welcome aboard imodeler. Thanks for sharing your Mustang build. What a pleasure it is to see a young person such as yourself interested in modeling. In today's digital generation many folks your age are too busy with their various gadgets to sit down and take an interest in building models. I think you'll like it here at imodeler as we all share a common interest in modeling and love to not only share our work but to admire the work of others. You've joined a fine group of modelers here and we look forward to seeing your future builds. Just curious as to how long you have been modeling and again, welcome aboard.

    • I have been building models all my life, really. I only started getting serious about four months ago.

    • Jordyn, welcome to iModeler! @1corsair64
      Jim, it seems that you have yet another F4U fan!

      Jordyn, Jim is an expert about the Corsair and has written books about them. He is a great person to ask questions of, as are MANY here on this board. Most folks here love to help wherever they can. It is my opinion that any knowledge you have should be shared with others. True knowledge does NOT belong to a select few. I'm pushing 68 years old and am still learning from these folks. Your skills are VERY well developed already and I agree with Tom when he said "You’ve run across the best place to find out there are no “modeling secrets”. All you gotta do is ask!

      Again: Welcome to iModeler!

  12. Welcome Jordyn! Model looks great. As everyone has said - you'll only go up from here, especially hanging out and watching all the tips and tricks from the guys and gals on this site.

  13. Welcome Jordyn. There’s a great group of modeler’s here and you’ll fit in just fine. One thing I’ve noticed is that everyone has been very kind in their comments, no matter whose posting is being looked at. What I mean by that is you’ll get a lot of encouragement while you hone your skills. We look forward to seeing more of your builds.

  14. Welcome to the sight Jordyn, anyone posting pics of p-51's (in my book) is always welcome, hope to see more of your builds. Good luck to you and God bless.

  15. Welcome to iModeler dude. Nice work on your Mustang! just keep doing what you are doing, learn from your experiences and above all else, have fun with it. Looking forward to seeing more of your builds!

  16. Nice Mustang! Welcome aboard!

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