A6M2b Oita advanced Flying School
I had a desire to make an airplane in the painting of the school unit. And this is how this Zero-Sen model from the Oita flight school was created. I did an attractive painting of the lower surfaces with H24 paint. Cockpit details such as instrument panels and seat belts have been added. The Tamiya model folded perfectly, although despite repeated checking, the chassis geometry, in my opinion, did not turn out as well as I would have liked. I was also not entirely satisfied with the paint finish being too matte on upper surfaces. They were probably made a bit too dense for the areograph. I decided not to make this mistake anymore. Unfortunately the plane with this tail number has a photograph that I had no idea about and it turns out that it was uniformly green on the underside as well. So, unfortunately, it is not entirely historically made. My mistake.
Cannot comment about accuracy, but the model itself is spectacular, @lis!
I am very pleased that you like the model.
Even if history is not accurate, the results is fantastic, Lis. @lis
The Zero is a beautiful aircraft and your build definitely shows that.
Well done.
Thank you very much for the kind word. sometimes I have doubts when something does not go exactly as I would like, and I always try to make a historically compatible model. I also had a few mistakes with the selection of paints, but then my knowledge was not deepened enough in this topic. Mainly it is about the back of the propeller, engine cowling and the area under the canopy.
The kit itself is best replaced by the Hasegawa kit if accuracy matters (or the newer Tamiya release). The old Tamiya kits have more problems than there are electrons here to use in describing them.
That said, the resulting model here is first class. It looks very nice.
Thank You
Looks great to me!
Thank You
Lis, I really enjoy seeing unusual paint schemes, and its always a bonus when the overall model is as nicely built as this is. What's really strange is that just earlier today a friend of mine and I were talking about this exact paint scheme for a current project I'm doing. Sometimes it makes me wonder if if I'm getting spied on through my wi-fi or maybe the micro wave oven !
Thanks for the post, its a beauty !
I am pleased to hear that
Sometimes the energy in which we are attracts other people or events (models :-))
This is a set of decals that I used. ROP os. made in Czech Rep.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.