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Anthony Alvear
70 articles

F-15E Strike Eagle Revell 1/48 in progress…

April 8, 2021 · in News · 16 · 2.1K

After several years, I am to assemble a plane, Revell's F-15E Strike Eagle ... I hope to finish it in a few more weeks ... it will be in a diorama!.

thanks for watching

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16 responses

  1. Anthony, yours is clearly a seriously intense modeler's work-space.
    F-15 is coming along nicely. Look fwd. to seeing it completed and part of your diorama.
    Keep those progress photos coming.

    • Thank you, rather I would say that is a chaotic space ... I hope to continue moving forward quickly and be able to show more progress and the final finished product. thanks for your words Bob.


  2. An amazing build, so far, Anthony! (Your usual very high standard).
    The Revell model looks good, I have the same one, it looked great in the box...
    Your workspace looks very productive!
    Looking forward to see this beautiful bird coming along!

    • Thanks spiros ... I hope is up to the standard of my previous works, I am rediscovering techniques that I used in these models .. so far they are going well, thanks for your words, greetings.

  3. Coming along nicely. Good to see a "workman's" bench...

  4. Congrats with the plane build! Looks exquisite to me, looking fwd to see the result in the diorama you have in mind!

  5. A nice Eagle on the way, Anthony @konai
    If you know exactly where everything is on your workbench then it is not chaotic.

  6. A gorgeous airframe and a great model! Great work.

  7. Anthony, @kodai
    This is a great looking model. I have two of these underway as part of our Desert Storm Group Build. One of them will be wearing the same markings as yours. It is a nice building model, and you have done a great job with yours. I'm looking forward to seeing your diorama finished.

    By the way, many years ago, I wanted to be a fighter pilot flying these F-15's for the US Air Force. It never happened... but I still have the dream of becoming a pilot someday.

    • thanks for your words Louis..I hope to see your finished models.

      And when it comes to being a pilot, hope is the last thing to die ... keep trying.


  8. The Eagle is looking great so far, Anthony, it's quite a big model so your diorama is going to need some space, hope you have room for it... definitely liked.

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