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Brian Kirwan
19 articles

Not another bloody Me 262 …yup its the Me 262A-1a/U4 W.Nr. 111899 flown by Major Willi Herget for JV 44, April 1945 Riem, Bavaria

May 22, 2021 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2K

Here is a Me 262A-1a/U4 W.Nr. 111899 flown by Major Willi Herget for JV 44, April 1945 Riem, Bavaria

Its the old kit which still looks the job. Thos who have buil it know that the upper wing to fuselage fit is not 100% but by fitting the lower wing first I was able to move the gaps to the leading edge and just fill them wth filler.

Other than that this was a blast to build and and is a serious gun up front. I did replace the kit plastic Master in Reality turned metal gun+ muzzel which is absolutely amazing but also entirely impractical as it turns out luckly for the men of the B26's 344th and 323rd BG who she went up against.

Diorama is made using the 2 ground crew figures inlcuded in the kit and 2 Preiser pilots. Simple scene nothng to difficult. I dug out my copy of "The battle of Bavaria" Forsyth and Scutts for this and had a good re-read. As I have a stack of these old Dragon kits I will make one or two more of .



Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. This is a wonderful job on the Dragon kit, Brian, and an equally amazing diorama!

  2. A real gem, Brian.
    An absolute winner combined with a ditto diorama.

  3. Well done diorama and Me 262. The mechanics really add that realistic touch. "Liked".

  4. A 262 lolly pop! Nicely done - dio looks good also.

  5. lolly pop - LOL

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