19 articles · 1.9K karma · 7 friends · active 1 day, 4 hours ago

Ex-paddy pat living in the Low Country, as a wise man once said you come for the women and stay for the kids !
I have been modelling since I was a kid and picked it up again as an adult during a brief period of unemployment nearly thirty year again and have used it to keep me sane ever since.

My interest has evolved over the years ;from general all-rounder onto specialised in Luftwaffe WWII Night fighters and actually made models and dioramas with Atlantik Wall bunkers and Luftwaffe ground radar for a local museum. Eventually I got sick of RLM 74/75/76 on every bloody thing and build just about anything now.

Special interest now is anything Irish, but I am very Catholic in my taste and find everything of interest. Modelling to me has to tell a story otherwise it’s just painted plastic so the history of what I build is important to me.

Mig 15bis Korea War II - Trumpeter

Here is a second Mig15bis built for a Forgotten Conflict SIG (IPMS NL). Its the second of two Mig15 for the theme Korea War which we showcased for a Nationals at the end of November. Built using the Trumpeter straight out of the box which [...]

Mig 15 bis Korean War

Here is a Mig15bis built for a Forgotten Conflict SIG (IPMS NL). Its one of two Mig15 for the theme Korea War which we showcased for a Nationals at the end of November. Built with the KMC detail set which includes a replacement cockpit, [...]

Oh dear .....

Here is a little diorama I made up earlier this year using the Tamiya 1:48 Dewoitine D.520 kit. I based the diorama loosely on a series of photos of a Dewoitine D.520 crashed landed sometime during the invasion of France 1940. Nice kit [...]

Waiting for Godot

Waiting for Godot Vladimir and Estragon await the arrival of Monsieur Godot under the shadow of the anti-micro aggression flak. This is a little fantasy piece I made using parts of Industria Mechanica Mobius.M mecha robot. I printed the [...]

Biafra B25 Mitchell

Here is one of two B25's used briefly at the start of the Biafra War of 1967-1970. Scale 1:72. This is the old Italeri kit modified and panel lines engraved. Weathering kept to a minimum as these things were not in use for long.

Ratel on the Lomba

Here is my Baxmod 1:35 Ratel 90 of SADF finished as an Operation Moduler vehicle. I was inspired by a book I picked up in South Africa in 2018 "Ratels on the Lomba". This is primarily a resin kit and its has a full interior [...]

Gefallener Held; Ma.K Melusine 1/20

Here is a diorama I made using the Wave 1/20 kit Ma.K Melusine 22 of the Maschinen Krieger property. I used a French camo pattern instead of the usual German type colours. Walls etc. made out XPS foam and patience. Enjoy Brian

War in the CongoM8 Greyhound Katanga Gendarmerie September 1961

Here is a few photos of my Tamiya 1:35 M3 Greyhound finished using Star Decals sheet on the Congo as a Katanga Gendarmerie vehicle with saw action against UN Force in Elisabethville September 1961 .

Uganda Mig17 F

Another Smer/ Airifx/ Mister Craft 1:48 finished as a Ugandan Mig17 F. These are old, clunky, cheap but well engineered kits and this is my third one. No filler involved at all. I did replace the arment with turned brass as the pitot [...]

Mobutu's Mirage V in 1:48

Here is one I finished up recently it's the old FM Mirage V 1:48 kit finished in the colours of the air force of the now defunct state of Zaire ( DR Congo). Despite FM reputation this went together reasonably well and without too much [...]