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Revell 1/72 PT boat

May 18, 2021 · in Ships · · 10 · 2.7K

I have been working on this kit for the past 2 months and am now calling it completed - my .

Safety rope and rope holders are added using pins, copper wire and thin rigging thread as these are not supplied in the kit.

One coil of rope put on to the fore deck.

Paints used are Halfords red primer (red oxide) for the lower hull, Vallejo Model Air Bronze Green for the deck, a mixture of Vallejo Model color Grey Green and Bronze Green and Vallejo model air Green and Black for the side and rear camouflage. Props done in Vallejo model color Brass.

Flag decal not used as I made a 48 star flag using printer paper, gloss varnished it, cut out and bent to look like it is in a wind. Folded and glued into place using white glue.

All the cabin windows have been done using white glue spread over the holes as I forgot to install the supplied clear plastic ones.

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9  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Nice looking PT! Is this the new tool version or the older one?

    • I have no idea as whether this is a new tool version or an older one. Looking at the flow chart on Scalemates it shows it as coming out in 2019 as reboxed, updated and with new parts. The kit No is 05165 and the decals give you a choice of two boat numbers - PT 579 or PT 588.

  2. Love it . Nice work!

  3. Looks great! They finally did one without the torpedo tubes! Actually there was an earlier kit the PT-190, 'Jack Of Diamonds' from 1965, which had the exposed torpedo's

  4. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice clean work on this model Phillip.
    Your touch of extra details add more scope to the entire build, very nice.

  5. Nice job, Phillip!

  6. Super nice PT Boat, Phillip (@phillipe50). Looking forward to your companion Rescue Launch build.

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