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Andrew H
47 articles

Douglas A-20G Havoc - AMT 1/48

June 22, 2021 · in Aviation · · 35 · 3.9K

This build was inspired by some recent A-20G builds from our friends here at iModeler, as well as the fact that I was able to pickup this kit secondhand at my local hobby shop. The kit was the "Wings Aviation Collection" boxing, however the box was unsalvagable and the decals were in no condition to use (water damage). To my delight (and later dismay), I also found a set of Aeromaster decals, sheet 48-104. Upon further inspection, I came to realize that this sheet is meant to supplement the original kit's decals, and thus I had to source some insignias from the spares bin. This left me with a need for canopy masks, as well as masks for the wing top walkways, etc, thus I purchased a set of Montex masks for this need.

The kit itself is actually quite good. It was not perfect, nor without fit issues or filler, but the panel lines are just about right for scale appearance, and the form is good (save for the main tires, which I used.. but did you notice? hehe). Some details are there, and some are sparse (like the bomb... cavity). This kit builds well OOB with no frills, or if you wish, it presents itself as a great canvas for scratch detailing.

In the cockpit, I decided to use a Yahu pre-painted instrument panel, as well as some Eduard harnesses. Random placard decals were placed around the 'pit, and some scratch and rearrangement work was done predominantly on the starboard side bulkheads. The canopy latch was left loose, as you can tell in the pictures. One accuracy discrepancy that I just didn't want to go back and correct up to this point (notice post paint) is that the Montex canopy masks do not by default produce a horizontal support in the front quarterwindow, which must be a unique feature found on A-20G's vs other variants. Life raft is putty, and a lame attempt at reality, but good enough when seen through the canopy. Lastly, the inner frame of the turret was carefully brush painted with a dull coat to represent the crazed plexiglass in scale.

Early on, I settled that this would be the "Green Hornet", which served as part of the 675th BS, 417th in the , 1944. The green wing mottling was new for me, and the only challenge with it was determining the right color to use. I had seen Medium and Dark greens as options, and in the end thought that the understated look of the Dark Green fit better against the OD. The whole model was preshaded, then only the upper surfaces were post shaded following X-22 to seal, decals, and an oil wash. Thinned Vallejo Matte Varnish was then sprayed over the whole model. Rigging is Infini Aerorigging (0.055mm)

I hope you like it! This was certainly a fun build of what I find to be one of the most attractive and too oft-underrated twin engine aircraft.

Photos adjusted for lighting and color. I hope you like! (Also, the comparo's for fun!)

Reader reactions:
22  Awesome

25 additional images. Click to enlarge.

35 responses

  1. Looks good to me, Andrew. I got a "free" A-20G when I bought an A-20C kit at the LHS estate sale, since it didn't have the clear sprue. So far, the "free" kit is up to $15 for a Vector resin cockpit, $12 for the Squadron vacuform canopy and gun turret, and another $8 for a decal sheet.

    You're right about the A-20 being under-rated, but this kit can be brought up to a good standard, as you have demonstrated here.

  2. Nice work, Andrew.

  3. It looks good to me too Andrew! Your paintwork is really nice and the entire model is so well done. I bought one of these kits to go with my 1/48 Monogram B-25 and B-26 kits. I envisioned a sort of assembly-line approach to building all three together. So many parts could be painted the same and I thought that might speed up the result. But, I can see how I might get mired in a project like this and soon lose the rhythm. Finding parking space for all three together would be problem too! 😉

    I think the A-20 had a rather pugnacious look about her and is one of my favorite WWII "twins". You've sure done her justice with this build Andrew! Well done sir. 🙂

    • Gary @garybrantley, I would love to encourage you, but that sounds like a healthy dose of too-much. I've got the Academy re-box of the AM kit to build some day, as the Monogram version I built as youth needs updated. Almost picked up a "Flak-Bait" boxing of Monograms B-26 at the LHS, and with this about to fly off the work bench, I just couldn't reason picking up such a kit, of a plane that is less favorable in my eyes... The straight leading edge of the Havoc's wing, the shape of the nacelles, and the slim, shapely fuselage is just cool to me. Thanks!

      • I believe that's wise counsel Andrew! :). @pb_legend, "Flak Bait" is the B-26 boxing I have. I believe the Mitchell has the markings for "Jaunty Jo". Oh, how cool it would be to see them all parked together! 😉

  4. You created a beautiful looking Havoc, Andrew.
    Lots of detailing and great weathering.
    Like the way that you are able to open up that hatch.

    • Thanks John, I usually leave my canopies openable if able. I like to display them closed, but still be able to show off the furniture to people if needed.

  5. Real nice. Again great to see a rarer type. My old man escorted these occasionally out of Corsica. Log book "August 19 (1944) Escort 24 A20. Bombed Cunco (SP?)"

    • Ross, I salute your father's service, and it's great to be able to make this connection to who's and when's such as you are able. Thank you!

  6. Amazing Havoc, Andrew! An all-around excellent job!
    I have the similar P-70 already started a few months before for the Night Fighter Group (which I have to finish someday, it is stalled at the moment due to other models prioritization).
    The AMT Havocs are really nice, solid kits.

    • Spiros @fiveten, I believe you started your build the same week I picked this up... the clock's ticking now! haha I joke, but I hope you're able to find time to finish it soon... I can sympathize with "too many other things" taking priority.

  7. Really nice result.

  8. I enjoy seeing the Green Hornet livery. Well done!

  9. Very nice! I like the markings. I have one these in my stash and I too plan on making it a SW Pacific aircraft. Definitely not enough representation of the A-20 in the modeling world. Thanks for sharing

  10. Very nice. I like the scale on this Bomber that no one wanted at first, Then got produced in huge numbers, to be quickly forgotten again.
    Thanks for showing.

  11. Great work on this. I've had one of these on the to do pile for too long. Your fine build inspires me to get to it.

  12. Looks great! The paint and finish work looks really good. I built the Green Hornet in 1/72 when I first got back into the hobby, and am eager to do so again now that I've got a couple of decades of skill-building under my wing!

    • Greg, I would love to see you build one! If there is one thing that looks better than a Havoc on the ground, it would have to be a Havoc in the air!

  13. Everytime I see one of these built, I want to build one of my two in the stash. This one is no exception, really nice work I like the paint work it looks great. The cockpit looks great with the added details. Good job!

    • Walt, You're builds have a similar effect, particularly your current OD P-61 build. Perhaps I will build a modern Black Widow kit someday.

  14. Nicely done Andrew, the A-20 is also one of my favorite A/C to model, I've completed 4 to date, with two more to go. Really like the job you did in the office, that Yahu IP really makes her pop. Sorry to hear about the decals, if I knew you needed some I could have sent you some of my extras.

  15. Amazing looking Havoc, Andrew. Really like the paintwork.
    Great comparison photos, I didn't realize that the A-20 looks so small when compared to other larger aircraft,

  16. Great job on this build, it really came it nice! The Green Hornet is my favorite A-20.

  17. Great job! Really like the extra effort on the interior and the "Green Hornet" markings. Liked.

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