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Gary Brantley
44 articles

Lockheed F-104A Starfighter

June 9, 2021 · in Aviation · · 22 · 3.2K

An earlier build (early 1990s) and only photographed fairly recently at the Cameron Airport, the F-104A is a very basic, simple old model. Originally, it was a release from 1957. I love these birds and really, how can one go wrong with a type named "Starfighter"? Is that not just the coolest name ever for a jet? And what other jet fighter looked any more ready to go to the stars than this "missile with a man in it"? ?

The rudimentary landing gear was given some much-needed detail and I used the pilot figure to add a bit of interest to an otherwise bare cockpit. The horizontal stabilizer and brake doors were covered with Baremetal foil. The kit decals were used (and are showing their age too). Several different NMF paints were used but it's been so long since I built the model I really don't remember. So, here's another look at scale models from the really distant past. A quick comparison of this kit with today's great new offerings reveals how far plastic scale model kits have come. It's sort of difficult to imagine the "state of the art" for plastic scale modeling in 1957. Thanks for your interest in this old warbird!

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9  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. Glad to see your work again. Was just thinking of you. Take care sir.

  2. Love it, Gary!
    Always nice to see an old kit brought to life!

    • Thanks Spiros! Lol, for many years, that seemed like my specialty... πŸ˜‰ Banging old kits into shape was my start I guess, and haven't ventured too much further yet. πŸ™‚

  3. That is some nice work! I love the old Monogram kits, mostly what I build.

  4. Looks great! The old kit holds up well.

  5. Gary, looks great! Love these old kits.

    • Thanks Bob! You know, I've been thinking about 1957 and what was available then and I guess this Hawk kit had a lot going for it in those halcyon days. Really, Hawk produced a rather extensive line of model kits. I came across an online article about them and I was surprised by some of their offerings. πŸ™‚

  6. Your great photographs have brought this old Starfighter bang up to date, definitely liked.

  7. Great build, Gary. @garybrantley
    I do too like the way you took the fotos.
    One of those aircraft with which my interest in aviation started.

    • Thanks @johnb! I'm happy that you liked my old Starfighter; they were inspiring aircraft for lot's of us I imagine. I remember seeing one, parked as a display in a Woolco department store parking lot in Temple, Texas. I must've been around 11 or I guess and people could just walk around it without any barrier at all. I was impressed by those super thin wings and of course the oh so swoopy shape (they don't call 'em Starfighters for nothing you know ;)).

  8. Nicely done Gary, that old bird looks good. I've actually seen some flying and they were impressive to watch as the German's were simulating low level attacks on my unit. Boy were they loud.

  9. Great work on an antique kit. Looks mighty good.

  10. That is one colorful Starfighter! Well done.

  11. Most admirable

    It's no easy thing to get results like this with the 50's/60's vintage model kits

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