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Carl Christensen
50 articles

1/35 Takom Jagdpanther and flat-bed railcar (Plattformwagen)

July 7, 2021 · in Armor · · 13 · 2.4K

This is a 3-in-1 kit containing the tank, railcar, and railway tracks. So with just a few wee added extras and some figures it really came to life.

I wanted to show a bit of life with the tank getting ready for transporting instead of it just being a static tank sitting on a railcar.

It's a bit of a beast, it must have been an impressive sight seeing a row of these sitting on railcars all lined up ready to move.

The figures are a mix of Dragon, Miniart, and Tamiya, and a resin dog as the one that comes with the German Feldendarmerie dog handler isn't very good.

There isn't really a lot more to say about this apart from it was an easy (apart from the tracks, they were a f&@king nightmare) but long build, and I'm pretty stoked with how it's come together.

What I find most disappointing is that I only have my phone camera to use. I need a better camera...

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. I’d be stoked too! This build is awesome. Just marvelous. Looks like you took a snap shot as they were cinching down the tank to the car. Great work.

  2. Fantastic diorama, Carl; utterly realistic, with a lot of quality work put into it!

  3. Great idea! I like that all of the figures actually look like they are tying down the tank rather than just standing around for scale. The only thing missing is a figure scanning the sky for fighter-bombers.

  4. That's a fantastic diorama! Great finish on everything - very realistic.

  5. Profile Photo
    Walt said on July 7, 2021 a diaorama kit all in one. Little add ons really tell a story. Excellent work on the build!

  6. Superb realism Carl! That dio looks fantastic sir and so dynamic. Great job on a modeling project that "tells a story"! 🙂

  7. Everything about this is nice - the tank, the rail car, the figures, the base - all to the same quality level (essential in a diorama and the main reason a diorama will fail). The "story" is easily told, and everything supports it. This is excellent work on all levels.

  8. That’s amazing! Great job all around on the “sports car” of AFVs. The weathering is top notch.

  9. Great work! The weathering on the vehicle is excellent. I love it! A very great diorama ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  10. Army Rail! oh wrong Army. A great job and diorama.

  11. Great diorama!

  12. I'm with you, Carl @carlpud, it's come together pretty well, and there's nothing wrong with your photographs either, excellent work all round. I'm not sure if they train safety officer would be happy with the gun barrel exceeding the length of the wagon, but still, definitely liked.

  13. Awesome diorama, Carl.
    Beautiful pictures regardless the angle.

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