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Bob Torres
74 articles

AMT-FROG “Famous Fighters Series I” – Box Theme Build

July 4, 2021 · in Aviation · · 22 · 2.3K

This is a build I completed a few months ago of - Famous Fighters Series I, No. 3955-130, 1:72 (1967 boxing). I started work on the first plane this past September while involved with two different FB group builds on a totally different theme builds. I was looking for an easy build to get away from what I was working, and hopefully get my focus back in which it worked.

This box contains three kits, "Hawker IIC, Macchi MC.202 and the Fokker D.XXI. All three have scratched built cockpits and some other upgrades. The oldest of the three are the Fokker and Macchi both were actually first released by FROG in 1963. The Hurricane came out in 1967.

The first build I worked on was the Fokker D.XXI, a very simple build, went together with no fuss. I did extra work in the cockpit and it did not take too much time. I also added some extras for the engine and made an exhaust stack. I used decals from an old FROG kit, they worked out okay but gave me a little bit of a problem on the edge on one side. Micro-scale decals saver could have solved this problem.

The next was the Hurricane, this build I found the wings went together providing the correct outer wings panel's dihedral. Something that was missed on the next few newer releases from Matchbox and Airfix a few years after FROG's kit was released. I did reworked the spinner, carburetor inlet and fuselage spine some. And used a resin 4 spoke hurricane wheels to replace the disc looking set that came with this kit. The decals was a combination of Techmod's and from other kits. After completing this build I felt FROG did a fine job capturing the look of a Hurricane especially when compared to the Revell and Airfix Hurricanes that existed back then.

The last build was the Macchi MC.202. This went together with no fuss, almost as simple as the Fokker. I did removed a little material behind the canopy fuselage spine. The decals on this kit is what came with this box, good old AMT quality decals. They are rather thick and paper like. After seeing that Micro Set or Sol had no affect on them, I hand painted future floor wax to see if the paper like decals can hold on to the contours of the model and it worked for the most part (success).

This was a fun build, it got me to complete something I first wanted to do over 50 years ago. I know I first started this build to get my mojo back on other builds I was working at the time but once I did started it took my mind back to that time when I first held this box.

These kits for the most part will not give the full details that can be found in the kits that has been released in the past 20 years but using the 2 to 3 foot rule, they do look pretty nice! I hope you guys like.

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10  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. They all look very like the aeroplanes they represent. Back when things were simpler. Nice job on them.

  2. I love the fact that you got to finish something you first wanted to do so long ago!

  3. Really brings back the past. I remember building those kits in the 60's. Yours look a lot better than mine did!

    • Dale, thank you. Back then we did not have to worry about blending in seams and all of the other things that we see today. But we still had fun.

  4. They look great, Bob! I only built the Macchi out of this group many years ago. This is the first time that I’ve seen a Frog Hurricane. Looks pretty accurate.

    • Thank you John, years ago I also only built the Macchi. I really did not like the Hurricane or Fokker back then. Now I see them differently.

  5. Very nice work. I am a fan of the older kits too. Super nice assemblage Bob. Thumbs up.

  6. A real nice set of famous planes, Bob.
    Each of them having its own beauty.

  7. All three of them are super looking models, Bob!
    Love seeing "old" kits put together, especially sets like this one here!

  8. Great job on those three classic kits!

  9. Very cool project! I build several of these multi-kit sets back in the late-60's / early 70's, and I still enjoy building these old things. These look great!

    • Greg thank you, in my stash I have the series 2 from AMT/FROG and a few of the old Revell 3 plane kits and some of their 2 plane kits too. Definitely some cool project to build. ?

  10. Great job Bob. I have that set as well, which I just bought on eBay a couple of months ago. I have so many kits on the stove right now that I don't know which to finish. I just got in the mail Lindberg's 1/48 Ju-87 and Me-262 set, and the HAWK 1/72 set with Me-109F and Spitfire Mk 21. The canopies for the littles kits are now molded in a cloudy grey, since there is nothing in the cockpit. Decals by cartograph and they include the hooked cross.

    • David thank you. I still have those old Hawk kits, I think their Me-109 looks great and with the Spitfire last year I kit bashed it with Heller’s Spitfire Mk. XVI wings and other parts to convert it into a MK. XIV…good to see your work in this site, I think I saw your Matchbox Spitfire in FB some time ago.

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