Coastal Command Beau
Long time no visit, work life has gotten in the way of my modelling, but i managed to roll one out of the hangar finally.
Tamiyas 1/48 Beaufighter. OOB build with a paint scheme i came across whilst looking for something more interesting other than the standard Beau colours. I couldn't find much info on her other than it was LZ293 and 'it was eventually with 236Sqn in march 1944 and crashed near davidstow moor a/f cornwall in august 1944
I have before seen the colour scheme referenced as an anti u-boat scheme used by a/c based at davidstow moor, but others may know more '
There is a little more about her around the net and a few reference pictures but nothing deep that i could find. Regardless, i loved the scheme so went with it She was all over painted in the standard RAF scheme and then i applied the white so the original scheme was still a hint here and there. I got fairly down and dirty with her and did have some issues with my clear coat and the oils not getting along nicely but persistence got her to a stage where i was fairly happy overall with the grotty look i wanted.
I have since ditched the cheap oils i have been using for over a year and will be trying VMS clears and some Flory washes (when they finally turn up) on my next kit which i am looking forward too, new products!
Quick edit- The base was something i knocked up out of plaster, scribed, painted and weathered to give her a bit of pop.
cheers all..and as an Aussie, to all you Brits, it's coming home!
Great Beaufighter!
Cheers Lis, you have some fine work yourself, have a great one!
Good to see you, Jimmy!
This is a great Beau, love this scheme!
Fantastic OOB result!
Thanks mate, too much work and not enough hobby time, great to see you pop in
Never seen a Beau looking like a Coastal Wellington, that is one striking machine (pardon the pun) great finish regarding the weathering, looks spot on
Cheers Pedro, thanks for looking in
What an interesting scheme. The detail of the Tamiya kit is amazing. Well done sir.
She is a very cool scheme, it was nice to work in some white for a change.
Seriously good looking Beau and great choice of colour scheme.
Nicely done Jimmy, that color scheme really looks good on her.
Great work and presentation, Jimmy! Thumbs up for sure.
Thanks Gazza!
Thats a really nice build and I think you found a great scheme to show off the plane. Really nice work on the paint and build.
Great build! It is amazing how odd schemes or subjects seem to pop up together - I just finished an old Airfix 1/72 Beau in this identical scheme...
Looks like you found more reference pics than i did mate
I also my (2) scratchbuilt yagi arrays for the asv as my beau went through two cat attacks, one with it ending up on my concrete shed floor with broken props and undercarriage. I didn't have it in me to build a third lol. Lovely looking bird she is mate and a fun scheme.
Wow @hetstaine! Jimmy, she's a right beaut! Strewth mate, that is fantastic modeling and photo work that is just as impressive. The Beaufighter is a type that I wasn't really familiar with until the last couple years, and after seeing many of them built up, I'm inspired to get one too. Your build is one of the best I've seen, congratulations on a fine result! :). Cheers! Gary
Strewth indeed
I was tempted to do an Aussie Beau as i always remember a Beau as 'the whispering death' from commando comics from my youth. Shes one of those uglybeautiful types of aircraft.
Very impressive modelling and photography.
Cheers Don, always trying to do better with my photos.
You hit this one out of the ball park. Making a "White" model interesting so it doesn't look like a Polar Bear lost in a snow storm is no easy task. The white has been mottled and gives a sense of depth and weight. While the red doped canvas strips used to seal the fillets on the wings add more visual interest. The grunge factor . . . the dirt, oils stains on the engine cowlings and washes on the landing gear really go along way to make this kit stand out .
Two thumbs up.
Thanks mate, the white was harder to work with the oils than other colours and she ended up a nice looking old grungy girl with some grunt amongst some cleaner hangar queens in my cabinet
Beautifuf Beau! Bravo ?
Thanks Stéphane ?
Love that color scheme, great build!
Really nice build and paint finish Jimmy. I have a suggestion that I feel will improve the overall look of this model. The sit looks somewhat unrealistic without some flat spots under the main wheels. All you need to do is use some 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper used wet and drag the model backwards across the paper. About a dozen or so back movements usually works for the planes I do. I always use this method when the model is completed so it's not too late to do yours.
I do normally do that.. but this one nearly ended up being shelved and i just called it finished
Great that you got this one finished, Jimmy, after the mishaps. This colour scheme really suits the Beaufighter, and I like how you got a slightly wet finish to the base, it rains a lot in Cornwall... definitely liked.
Cheers George, here's hoping you get up against the Italians mate
Cheers George