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K. J. Bricknell
12 articles

Wingnut Wings SwansongHalberstadt Cl.II (Late) 1/32

July 1, 2021 · in Aviation · · 23 · 2.3K

It was a sad day when I learned that was closing down for good. I greatly enjoyed building those superb kits over the years. Alas, I only had the late Halberstadt in my stash when the news arrived, so this build is my final farewell. OOB except for Aviattic decals.

I learned at page 22 of the instructions, incidentally, that I have a very tenuous connection to the Halberstadt. The instructions state that the late production pictured on that page was driven down and captured, on 9 June 1918, by a No 3 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps, RE.8.

In 1921, No 3 Squadron became part of the newly created Royal Australian Air Force. I had the privilege of commanding No 3 Squadron (Dassault Mirage IIIOs) at Air Base Butterworth in Malaysia from 1979 to1981.

As I say, a very tenuous connection, but it's there.

Reader reactions:
21  Awesome 1 

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Amazing Halberstadt, K.J. , superb in every detail!
    I am aware that their Fokker Dr.I has been reissued by Meng, so all might not be lost! Maybe we see more WnW molds reissued in the future by other companies.

  2. Another really great K.J. Bricknell model. Love the result. Really beautiful.

  3. I share your thoughts about WnW kits, but like our friend Spiros I too keep a spark of hope to see their kits re-emerge sometime in the near future. God knows I would like to grab a couple more of their DVII and a Camel.
    As for your Halberstadt, what else to say but it’s a gorgeous model, and those Aviattic lozenge decals are really worthy additions

  4. The stipple is sensational - and the Lozenge has gone down brilliantly! The undersides look like light is coming through. Magnificent!

  5. Another masterpiece, RIP WnW, definitely liked.

  6. That is simply outstanding.

  7. Superb build, K.J.
    Nice discovery about this connection you have with the 3rd.

  8. A real beauty, K.J

  9. This one blew me away, K.J. Truly museum quality.

  10. Outstanding model, congratulations!

  11. How your model turned out is what I wish all my WW1 models looked like.

  12. That is fabulous. Great modelling. Halberstadt is a great looking bird. Brunhilda I love it.
    Should have got one when I hadda chance.

  13. Simple gorgeous! The wings look fantastic top and bottom, but the whole thing is excellently crafted.

  14. Excellent work!

  15. Love this, God knows what happened to the molds... Alas...

  16. Profile Photo
    Walt said on July 1, 2021

    I don't own or have I ever built a WNW model but I too will miss them. I see so many built models like yours and enjoy and admire the kits and the planes beauty. Well done, love the schemes used during the Great War. A Fitting and Fine Farewell on your part @brick.

  17. Beautiful. WWI aircraft, especially when done well like yours, make particularly fetching displays.

  18. Excellent achievement with beautiful photos. Like for your Albatross BII, a reference to build mine... Thank you !

  19. I'm assuming the fuselage is also Aviattic decals. I chickened out of using them and painted mine!
    Yours looks good .
    Pity you don't have any more!

  20. Just beautiful!

  21. I thank you, gentlemen, for your very kind comments. Seems like there is hope for me yet ?

  22. I just realized that I did not leave a comment for this wonderful WW1 achievement: well done, it makes me want to do mine as soon as possible. Choosing the decals for camouflage will be a good option that I hope will be successful as well !
    All the best K. J.

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