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Michael Smith
74 articles

TBF-1 Avenger at Midway

September 6, 2021 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.2K

1979 boxing of 1966 kit, with decals from the Starfighter USN at and TBDs (yes, TBDs for the 8-T-1 decals) at War sets.

I finished it as Ensign Bert Earnest's Torpedo 8 , which made it to Pearl Harbor took late to join the Hornet, but was sent to Midway directly. Despite heavy damage after attacking the Japanese fleet, Earnest made it back to Midway, where made a one-wheel down landing on the beach.

I went as light as I could on the weathering, since the aircraft was only a few weeks old by June 4 - it would have been completed sometime between the end of January and end of April.

The kit is not a very good one, but it's hard to say no to a $9.95 kit of a WW II naval aviation subject.

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15  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Awesome work what you did on this kit Michael @mcsmith1964
    The light paintscheme and subtle weathering look great.

  2. You did a splendid job with this oldie, Michael!

  3. A beautiful job on the Avenger... very nice work.

  4. Very nice - I love working with old kits!

  5. I do as well - I feel less guilty about my modeling skills! Just got an old, old Frog Ju.88 kit and passed up a newer and better one because I didn't want to put that much time or money into it. I should have stopped to think that once I add in the cost of aftermarket decals I might as well have gotten the newer one.

  6. Great job! I get into the same the dilemma, with an old kit you are probably going to need updated decals.

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