F-14A Tomcat VF-84 Jolly Rogers
Really love the artwork they applied to jet aircraft back in the 70's & 80's, and who doesn't love skull & crossbones on the back of an F-14? Not to mention this aircraft was featured in the iconic film, Final Countdown with one of my all-time favorite actors, Kirk Douglas. The quality Tamiya puts into these kits is really phenomenal, putty & sanding to fill cracks wasn't too bad. Only my 2nd model since getting back into the game, but I enjoy improving my techniques, strive for greater consistency, and avoid (try) the big mistakes. The switched tail rudders was the biggest blunder, but overall, I like how it turned out.
Who can't admire a well done F-14? Nice work Joe, @jroamer, on one of my favorite modern jets. While working on one of those, you probably should have "Final Countdown" and "Top Gun" running on continuous loop on your hobby room TV.
An awesome build, Joe @jroamer
Fantastic detailing and paintwork.
Nice work and a great result.
Beautiful job!
Beautiful work on the good Tamiya kit, Joe!
Your comeback to the hobby is getting more and more interesting!
Nice work, Joe. This is impressive for your second kit in years. F-14s are not easy subjects.
B E A U T I F U L model. And the picture with You in front of real aircraft:) Priceless!.
Thank Lukasz! I really enjoyed the build, and find that Navy model aircraft parts (just like in real life) are much sturdier and easier to work with (IMHO). But the profile of an F-14 is one of the best, looks great on my model shelf.
The lower hanger area on the USS Yorktown is jammed with WWII Navy aircraft, tons of informational areas, and a pretty cool flight simulator. My wife said I literally looked like a kid in a candy store. Charleston, SC is such a great town to visit, especially if you're a food junkie.
Nice looking Tomcat, Joe, good job on this classic, definitely liked.
That's a good-looking Tomcat - well done!
I love the paint schemes on these early Tomcats, Joe (@jroamer). Well done!
Beautiful model, Joe. It looks particularly outstanding on the carrier deck display base. So much work to do with all the little details in this model but well wroth it, in the end. I concur with the majority of commentators on early F-14 schemes. I have several versions of the 1/48 Hasegawa kit as well as the new Tamiya in my stash. I must get tot them soon. Thanks for the inspiration.
A very attractive and alluring build Joe.
Nice work on the details. Taking upon consideration
your last two posted builds, one can come to the conclusion
that you have not lost your skills or your touch