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Alistair Gauld
114 articles

Airfix 1/72 Messerschmitt Me262A-1A

November 23, 2021 · in Aviation · · 11 · 1.2K

Hi there,

This kit was a part of the Dogfight Double but is not done in the box scheme.
As a relatively new kit I thought it would be fairly easy but the fit of certain part, specifically the engine wing mounts was tricky.
This involved checking, sanding and trimming to get them to face forward.
Tolerances were very tight so fitting the undercarriage legs and wheels meant a bit of shaving to get them in.
Despite my grumbles this was a fun build and as I'd never built a 262 before I can say I did enjoy it.

Primed with Tamiya Neutral Grey,

Painted with ColourCoats RLM 66, Rlm 76, RLM 81, RLM 02 and RLM 82.
Xtreme Metals Aluminium
Tamiya Rubber Black
Citadel Nuln Oil and Seraphim Sepia Washes
Flory Dark Dirt wash
Aerial rigged with Uschi Van Der Rosten Fine
Finished with Windsor & Newton Satin Varnish.
Decals by Printscale

Thanks for looking,

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Fantastic work, Alistair @alistairfgauld
    The chosen scheme is really eyecatching.
    How did you achieve this dotted pattern?

  2. Very nice scheme. I've been looking at those masks for quite a while. Might be time to take the plunge

  3. Another of your truly great results, Alistair, this time in the form of a Shwalbe with very interesting English markings over a wonderfully rendered camo: what is not to like?
    Thanks for the info on the (very good) Airfix kit: looks like we have to (?) get used to the modern close tolerance CAD created kits.
    Congratulations on yet another excellent model!

  4. Nice work on your 262, this is a very nice looking build. I like the paint scheme, it looks great on this plane.

  5. Very nicely done! I love the newish Airfix kits.

  6. That's a good-looking little 262! Well done.

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