Classic Kit: Revell 1/72 A-20 No. H-115-130
Here's an older build of the classic Revell 1/72 A-20 which was initially released in 1967. The kit is a nice simple model very similar to the Ju-88A which came out at about the same time. That box art really excited me and I still think it's great. When I decided to build the model I wanted to rescribe the kit.
Somewhere along the line I got AMS (advanced modeler's syndrome) and lost interest in the kit. It sat for years in a box collecting dust. One day I decided to just build it the way it was and forgot about any minor errors and whatever I thought had stopped me in the first place. So I finished the model in RAF colors with aftermarket decals.
Here she is built right out of the box with no additions.
PS I took a break from modeling last year and also I'm recovering from medical problems. Thanks
Good to see you David, glad you're getting better. Very cool model, I know how you feel about those old kits. I was nine years old when this one came out, and it was the box art that drew me, too! There are decals for the box art airplane in 1/48 somewhere, as that one is on my build wish list.
Here's mine if you're interested:
Thanks Jaime! I'm working on a Monogram 1/72 F-4C and hopefully will finish it with out loosing any more parts. They just go 'Poof!' on my tweezers never to be seen again.
Good to see you back David , @thevid !
The A-20 turned out great looking. I like the RAF markings on it.
Thank you Jay. I wanted an RAF bird just because OD and NG was too 1941.
Here's a photo I culled from Facebook a while back.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Nice work, David!
Thank you John.
Super Nice David. I Like the A-20. Tri-cycle landing gear innovator bomber . I’m not alone on Loving these older kits !
Glad you feel better and keep up the good builds .
Hi Bernard,
Thanks and yes I think we all love looking at built up models of these old kits from long ago.
I remember this kit in the old Revell catalogs, I think the box art had it in a North African scheme. Looks great in the RAF scheme. Feel better!
Thanks Robert. I uploaded a photo of the box. Thanks again.
Glad you are getting better, David!
Excellent job out of this classic kit: looks gorgeous built out of the box with improvements, proudly sitting completed!
Thank you Spiros. My heart gave out but I'm getting better. Yes I would like for you to post your version.
Very nice result on this A20, David @thevid
Good to see you back at the modelling bench.
Thank you John. I have so many models on the work bench that need attention; but, I will build one at a time.
Welcome back David, nice job on your Boston Mk.III. This is my favorite scheme for this plane. I built this same kit years ago, twice! I will post my build after I give it a good cleaning and some minor repairs. Your build looks really nice.
Thank you Bob. I want to build the Heinkel He219 along with other Revell kits from that era.
Yeas indeed that is a best all time box art. A great all time camo scheme too. U.S. markings over Brit camo with field expedient mud splotches. Then transported to July 1943 to fight Panthers at Kursk. Or the first Panthers in Tunisia, classified until 1967. Who knows, we weren't there, right?
ANYWAY that model looks great. Hope your health improves quickly, and you build some more beauties.
Thank you Bill, LOL. You are correct who is to say it is not right except for autistic modelers? I have a really old build of the companion Revell 1/72 Ju-88A that I will post. It has held up well over the years.
Looks great - love the Havoc. Glad to see you back in action! Keep the builds coming...
Thanks Greg. I really appreciate the welcome. After my heart attack I have a different attitude now.
Beautiful model! I like when old sets come back to life! I hope I will build A-20 too
Thank you Lis. You and me too. I have modern kits with a millions pieces but I prefer the very simple kits of my childhood.