Bf.109G-10, 1:48 HasegawaYugoslav Partisan Squadron 1945

February 17, 2022 · in Aviation · · 17 · 1.3K

You know the problem of those never finished box-queens, kits that you start and then put back in the box and forget about? They beckon you every time you open your stash, yet you just ignore them and go for a virgin kit. Well, I have a different problem altogether here... How to introduce this model, but casually avoid admitting that I started this topic in “Serving Under Another Flag” group-build, only to completely fail to show you any progress before the model was finished? Hmmm, embarrassing little thing…

Well, the deed is done and I hope the completed work and some highlights from my bench can redeem me somewhat in that respect.

For those curious about the story of this li'l Messerschmitt I will provide a link to my “arrested development” here:

Hasegawa's venerable kit got together predictably well and only occasionally required small homemade refinements and few aftermarket bits. But this is more due to my condition of being incapable to build anything out of the box. I used old Falcon vac-canopy (intended for Fujimi kit) and made internal tubular frame for it from copper wire, for example.

Moskit metal exhausts are installed, as well as Eduard phat resin tires. External fuel tank is absent, but I detailed the mounting fairing for it. And so on…

If any of the details catches your eye, I will gladly elaborate, but now let me show you the images. Hopefully they are more interesting than my yarn.


Reader reactions:
17  Awesome 2  2  2 

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. I love this one! Saving it as a reference for my 109 project. Love the paint and weathering work - just excellent. Knocked it out of the park (to use a US idiom!).

  2. Liked it a lot Aleksandar,congratulations!

  3. A "Goldilocks" build. Everything is "Just right" with the weathering, painting, extra details in the canopy, all add up to make some strong work Aleksandar.

    Two thumbs up.

  4. You did a really amazing job, Aleksandar!

  5. Incredible build, Aleksandar @asekular
    Superb detailing.
    The frame used for the canopy is excellent.

  6. I echo everyone’s comments, and add the fact that it’s the best Hasegawa 109 I recall seeing made. There are lots of details that bring your partisan machine above the crowd Aleksandar… true that the tubular made section of the canopy is one of a kind, but the weathering of the exhaust soot and those propeller blades really caught my eye

    • Much appreciated Pedro! @holzhamer

      Considering the number of great Hasegawa Bf.s I’ve seen that is a BIG compliment. Not sure if I deserve it… The exhaust staining was made with black & red brown mix thinly sprayed over chipping fluid (it seems I use it everywhere these days, including breakfast toast) and then… well, chipped. Used a toothpick and scalpel blade for those tiny scratches. The propeller blades are the same, only the base is Alclad Aluminium and the top coat is Schwarzgrün. Staining is done with oils (Oilbrushers by Ammo): “Starship Filth”, “Dust” and “Earth”.

  7. Really nice. Proof that just because it's old doesn't mean it can't be good. Excellent result. Everything about he project is as close to perfect as one gets.

  8. Great job Aleksander!

  9. Thank you all so much! Your kind words are of course great for dopamine, but constructive criticism is very welcome just as well! If any of you sees something that is not quite right don’t be shy… It would certainly help me to gain perspective, after gawking on this piece of plastic for far too long. For example, Pedro might say: “Aleks, you weathered them propeller blades like a boss, but the spinner is somewhat bland, maybe you can balance things out, with some more dings there as well.” I wouldn’t mind! 😀

    Cheers, Aleks

  10. This is simply wonderful and most inspiring! One of the best works I have ever seen, I congratulate you on this highly interesting model, Aleksandar. I also like the choice of the model very much!

  11. Thank you so much Roland! @rosachsenhofer
    I've been a fan of your work for ages (especially the more "difficult" builds) and was just admiring your new post, the night-fighter your published. I happen to have one half assembled Eduard's G-6AS and, what a wonder, it will become a Mosquito hunter night-fighter... one day... 😀
    Not sure where you are @, but will you be visiting show in Lingen this year perhaps?

    • How pleased I am with these words from a master modeller like you! A future Mosquito fighter will also become an eyeful under your hands, one can already look forward to that.
      I also admire your Yugoslav 109 with enthusiasm because I am currently building a G-10 with the wonderful Exito decals to a Yugoslav machine of the early fifties. I will take an example from the wonderfully sensitive design of your Bf 109, truly inspiring!

      Unfortunately I have to say that I live at the other end of the map; my location near Linz/Austria makes a visit to Lingen not very likely this year. All the more I am looking forward to meeting you here!

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