Forest Hunter Jagdtiger Ostfront Dragon 1/35

February 20, 2022 · in Armor · · 10 · 1.4K

Just a try to hide it in an eastern forest...hope you like it...



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Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

10 responses

  1. Bravo. @mtvb
    Very much “ liked”.

  2. Marvelous Jagdtiger!

  3. Excellent result, Marcus @mvtb
    The camoulfage did turn out superbly, like the rest as well.

  4. Excellent model, Marcus!

  5. What a Beast, not sure you could ever hide it no matter how excellent your camo turned out! Great build and weathering.

  6. Excellent airbrush work, Marcus! Very subtle work indeed with fine control. The dusty tracks also look perfect. Looks like you have the same workbench background as I do - an abandoned Tiger II. Got to finish that sad beast.

  7. @mvtb, That's a marvelous beast of a machine and a great armor model! So well done Marcus!

  8. That turned out amazing - really like the way you filtered it all together and the non-crisp painting (which means by hand). Brilliant mate.

  9. Well done model of such a beast of a tank

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