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Neill Roos
7 articles

1/72 SAAF Spitfire Vc

March 21, 2022 · in Aviation · · 16 · 1.6K

I saw this kit at the hobby shop and noticed it had South African Airforce markings, I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

This is the first time I've used an airbrush, the first model I've weathered with oils and my first . I really enjoyed the build and have a new found respect for the guys that build ww2 era models in 1/72!
It's not perfect but definitely learned a lot with this one and most importantly, I enjoyed it.

This Spitfire belonged to 2 Squadron "The Flying Cheetahs", which is arguably 's most famous squadron. It is also the only active fighter squadron today, flying the SAAB Gripen.

SAAF 2 squadron flew the following during WW2:

Gloster Gladiator II
Hawker Hurricane
Tomahawk IIB June 1941 – May 1942
Kittyhawk I April 1942 – June 1943
Kittyhawk III June 1943 – July 1943
Supermarine Spitfire Vc July 1943 – March 1944

I've attached some photos of the actual aircraft in action. I did notice afterwards I should have built this variant with 4 cannons and not 2. I'll try some new weathering and painting techniques on models to come. However, I'm pretty happy with the outcome considering.

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7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Nice work on this. If you have the two outer cannons (actually pretty easy to scratchbuild if you don't, just using pieces of sprue and a sanding stick), it would be easy to modify the kit at this stage.

    The Airfix kits are nice. Their 1/72 P-51D is the best "bubbletop" Mustang in that scale, and their Hurricane I kit in both early ragwing and later metalwing are also very nice, only outclassed by the Arma kits. Their 1/72 Blenheims, Beaufighters, Do-17Z, B-17G, Wellington, Swordfish and Gladiator are also "best in scale."

    • Thanks Tom. I still have the cannons so will definitely add them when I have the time as my OCD will kick in and it will bother me knowing its not correct. I've actually got a Gladiator in my stash! Will have to have a look at the others too, cheers

  2. Great model, Neil! For your first airbrush attempt and oil weathering the result is pretty amazing!

  3. Beautiful work on your first airbrush Spitfire, Neil @neillroos
    The painting and weathering looks great, especially since this is just a 1.72 scale.

  4. Excellent result, Neil. Those 4 cannon SAAF Vcs are some of my favorite Spitfires. I’m in the process of downsizing and Airfix’s new 1/72 kits are very appealing these days.

    • Cheers John, It really was a great kit. I had no issues with the wing roots and the decals were really good to work with too. Can't go wrong for $20 AUD

  5. I really enjoy working in 1/72nd and will continue as long as my eyes can see the details and my fingers can handle the sometimes teeny tiny parts. The scale fits nicely on the shelf and doesn't use up all my paints at once! The Airfix Typhoon is another satisfying 1/72nd kit. You have a very nice result here. Would you kindly elaborate on your first airbrush experience? What brand did you purchase, what air source do you use, how did you paint the hard edge on the camo, how long did it take you learn to mix the paint, etc. There is so much to know about airbrushing and you seem to have mastered the basics already. Congrats.

    • Definitely agree, David. I bought the Iwata Neo series airbrush with a HSENG compressor. They came recommended by a friend and I was able to borrow his setup for a 'try before you buy'. I used AK Interactive paints (Colours of the RAF) straight out the bottle. Watched a few YouTube tutorials on painting and cleaning and away I went. I did use a damaged Buccaneer as a tester though. Kept it pretty simple for my firs time. Cheers!

  6. Looks fantastic - seems like you are adding nicely to your skills tool box! Well done.

  7. When you have a beauty kit like the recent Airfix molds, 1/72 scale is a pleasure to build.
    Excellent work, Neil.

  8. A real gem of a build,nicely done!

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