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David Butler
29 articles

Revell 1/48 B-25J USSR Lend Lease

April 4, 2022 · in Aviation · · 10 · 1.4K

As fellow survivor of this kit @keyda1981 posted a few weeks ago when she did a fabulous rendition of "Jaunty Jo"- "this kit is a bit of a bear". How true! After many months of sanding, puttying, painting and repainting I finally crossed the finish line. I used the following products:

-Quickboost .50 barrels (some broke off and were "replaced" with the original kit parts)
-Montext masks
-Techmod Soviet Star decals (buyer beware. . .)
-Vallejo paints
-Tamiya weathering powder
-some scratch built parts using stretched sprue and various styrene


Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Great looking, David @dbutlr
    Nice work on that detailed interior.
    The gun barrels are a superb addition to this kit.

  2. Excellent result, David!

  3. Nice work, David!

  4. This turned out very nice. First time I’ve seen a Russian marked B-25 .

  5. I like that USSR livery on her - looks great!

  6. Had one of these on the bench not long ago. I got it as far as to try to fit the nose section and that was it, into the garbage bucket it went. Horrible excuse for a model kit that I did not feel like wasting any more time on.

    Therefore, anyone persistent enough to grind one of these out has my congratulations and respect. Not only did you manage to assemble it but you made a fine job of it as well.

    • Thanks Mark for your note- you are right about the fit of the nose glass. Completely terrible! I had to use spacers to widen the fuselage and tons of putting and sanding to get it to look halfway decent. The rest of the kit builds fairly well, but the nose is atrocious

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  7. Nice work on what is really a fun if not somewhat challenging kit. I love those Monogram kits and you made the most of it for sure.

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