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Pip Moss
22 articles

Eduard Weekend Edition 1:48 SPAD XIII

May 19, 2022 · in Aviation · · 30 · 1.4K

I built this back in the fall of 2020, but didn't do a decent photo shoot until this past month. It was an enjoyable project, OOB except for some PE seat belts from .

The paint job was complex. Not only are there five upper surface camouflage colors, but there are different versions of at least two of them when they are applied over metal. I used Mr. Color Sail Color for the clear doped linen under surfaces. Upper surface colors are Mr. Color Dark Earth, RLM 79 lightened with tan, Black; and Model Master (enamel) OD 34087 and Light Green 34258.

Decals are from an Aeromaster sheet for a plane flown by American Lt. William Ponder (six victories), 103rd Aero Squadron, USAS, late 1918.

The plane is rigged with 2.2 lb. nylon tippet line (.004" diameter) given a metallic hue using Testors non-buffing Steel metalizer. The mounting brackets are short lengths of polyimide micro-tubing. I used nylon invisible mending thread for the control lines.

Cheers! Pip

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20  Awesome 1 

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30 responses

  1. Beautiful Spad, Pip. Great French plane in French colors with American Lafayette Squadron markings.
    Hope everything is good up on Buzzards Bay.

  2. Thanks, Bob! My boat is still under wraps on the hard. I'll be getting to work on her early in June.

  3. Fantastic job, Pip!

  4. Excellent build, Pip @seawinder
    The five color scheme paintwork looks superb.

  5. That is really nice! Great work on assembly and rigging, great work on painting. A super-nice result.

  6. Very nice, Pip. Well done all around!

  7. Nice work, Pip. It’s always good to see a Spad.

  8. Looks great, nice scheme!

  9. Fine work. The rigging is outstanding.

  10. A unique scheme, and excellent rigging - came out extremely nice! Well done.

  11. Pip,

    Nice job and I have wanted to do a 103rd AS bird for a long time.

    I have a special interest in the unit as the co-founder of the local airport where I grew up flew in the unit and was credited with a Fokker D.VII. I believe to this day the side panel from his Spad with the indian head is still displayned in the main building there.


    • Thanks Kevin, that's a great connection. I'm not sure whether or not I got the exactly correct camouflage scheme for the particular plane (depending on which company built it), but I think it's in the ballpark.

  12. Certainly looks in the ballpark to me Kevin. Your rigging skills are beautifully evident on this Spad. Totally excellent.

  13. Beautiful and delicate!

  14. Great work Pip...awesome paint.

  15. Outstanding results Pip, you never fail to hit the mark with your builds. My compliments.

  16. Thank you Jim! Your comments always mean a lot. Hope all is well down your way.

  17. Really beautifully done. Clean work with delicately executed strings. I like it a lot, I'm also planning to use it in the future. Congratulations on such a nice finish.

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