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Spiros Pendedekas
164 articles

Monogram 1/24 UH-1B

June 23, 2022 · in Aviation · · 14 · 1.3K

Determining that current helicopters were too large, under powered, or too complex to maintain, the U.S. Army, in 1952, identified a requirement for a new helicopter to serve as medical evacuation (MEDEVAC), instrument trainer, and general utility aircraft.

In early 1955, Bell was selected to build three copies of the Model 204 for evaluation, thus starting the Huey helicopter family.

The UH-1B was an improved model over the original, with a more powerful engine, revised main rotor blades and a longer cabin that could accommodate seven passengers.

Its Army testing started in November 1960 with first production aircraft arriving in March 1961. A total of 1010 "Bravo" models were delivered to the US Army. First deployment was in November 1963 when eleven were sent to Vietnam to join the "Alpha" models already in use by the Utility Tactical Transport Helicopter Company (UTTCO).

Later on, as the long cabin Hueys supplanted the Bravo in the transport role, the UH-1B became increasingly used in a gunship role equipped with machine guns and rockets.

However, its insufficient power to maintain full capability when used with the heaviest armament subsystems, lead to the more powerful UH-1C.

Bell certified a civil version of the UH-1B, incorporating some minor safety improvements, such as improved door locks.

The aircraft was marketed as the Bell 204B. It was also licensed by Italian Agusta (with a Rolls Royce Gnome engine in place of the Lycoming T-53) and by the Japanese Fuji-Bell.

The Hellenic Army Aviation (ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΑ ΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ) is the army aviation branch of the Hellenic Armed Forces.

It was originally established in 1947 with light artillery spotter and liaison aircraft, with the acquisition of transport helicopters from 1969 and especially of the AH-64 Apache attack helicopters in the early 1990s changing the role of the service, leading to its recognition as the sixth arm of the Hellenic Army in 1996. It comprises the Army Aviation School and the 1st Army Aviation Brigade (1η ΤΑΞΑΣ).

The Hellenic Army Aviation started receiving its UH-1D/Hs and Agusta built AB-205s from 1969 onwards. Some vague info mentioned the existence of three UH-1Bs, which should have been received just prior to the above.

This is the classic 1/24 Monogram kit, a bit soft on the details for the scale, but, still, one otu of which a good looking big Hog can be produced.

It was build as an entry to Colin's @coling "Helicopters" very successful GB.

Should you wish t read the full build review, you might do so by visiting my beloved site Modelingmadness:

Happy modeling!

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

14 responses

  1. Good lookin' Huey! Those Greek roundels look nice on her...

  2. Amazing result on this Huey, Spiros @fiveten
    You article and the one on MM are a pleasure to read.

  3. Great build Spiros, @spiros, I enjoyed watching the build. It brought back memories from when I was a kid and built the kit. It still builds up to be an impressive build with just a little extra work. Great job!.

  4. I saw this on MM, you certainly improved the old kit. Looks great!

  5. Nice work on that one, Spiros. I remember that kit being on the “too expensive and too big” shelf at the hobby shop when I was a kid!

  6. Saw your build on Modeling Madness. Great job! I am dreaming of finding the shop with the dusty, long forgotten kids with old prices! Are they only in Greece? Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks my friend @kanddhenning!
      Yep, those shops were like a treasure chest: they stocked a lot of stuff during the 90s and early 2000s glory days", then this stock, keeping its original prices, was available to "treasure hunters"! Sadly, most of these shops are closed now...

  7. This is a winner! Great job 🙂

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