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Pip Moss
22 articles

Monogram/Encore 1:48 A-37B

June 30, 2022 · in Aviation · · 22 · 1.1K

I've had the good old kit in the stash for several years along with a copy of the boxing, which is essentially the Monogram plastic with a bunch of resin and PE aftermarket stuff. One of my club members brought a 1:72 model of an to our March meeting, and I was instantly inspired to build my kit. I finished it about two months later at the beginning of May 2022.

I built the kit OOB, using no aftermarket parts besides those provided in the Encore box. I decided not to use quite a few of the Encore offerings because they seemed unnecessary, but I did use the two, very nice ejection seats (I think originally cast by CMK), and photo-etch instrument panel and FOD intake screens (Eduard-produced).

I really enjoy doing SEA paint jobs—it gives me a chance to practice my freehand airbrushing. I use a Paasche VJR-1 gravity feed airbrush for fine-line work. For paints, I used AK Real Colors Camouflage Gray 36622 for the under surfaces and Mr. Color acrylic lacquers for all the upper surface camouflage colors. I lightened the 30219 Tan a bit to get closer to what I saw in photos.

The Encore kit provides nice decals printed by Cartograph. I used them for the national insignia, but the individual plane markings came from a Superscale sheet. The model replicates s/n 68-7944, 427th SOTS (Special Operations Training Squadron), 4410 CCTW (Combat Crew Training Wing), England AFB, Florida, October 1971. From what I've read, this unit was tasked with training South Vietnamese pilots on the Super Tweet so they could use them back in . Photos I've seen show these training planes with typical full ordnance of Mk. 82 bombs, napalm cannisters, and the obligatory fuel tanks. These were all included in the Monogram kit.

All in all, it was an enjoyable, relatively quick project; and I'm quite happy with the results. IMHO the raised panel lines of the Monogram moldings in no way detract from its visual appeal.

Cheers, Pip

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14  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. Beautiful work on this A37, Pip @seawinder
    Your freehand paintwork does look great.

  2. Ditto with @johnb 's comments, Pip!
    Truly splendid job!

  3. Very nice, and the camo is spot on! The 'Tweety Bird' was always one of Monograms nicer releases, and you've done it justice.

  4. That’s really sharp, Pip! Great paintwork.

  5. Great job Pip. Nice free hand control on the upper camo. I couldn't do it so blue tak was used as masking instead.

  6. A real winner! Paint and finish look beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  7. I agree with everyone else, Pip (@seawinder), this is a terrific model. I spent over 10 years flying the T-37 in the Air Force, so your model is particularly easy for me to like. Well done.

  8. Nicely done,great work on the scheme!

  9. Very nice paintwork @seawinder. You've done real justice to that old Monogram kit.

  10. That is a nice-looking Tweet!

  11. Thank you Greg!

  12. My heart skipped a beat when I saw this. My father was the last CO of the 427th SOTS when it was active at England AFB, Louisiana. Made my day.

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