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Guy Aubert
3 articles

1/76 Matchbox Char B1 bis & Renault FT-17Belgium, 14-16 May 1940

July 30, 2022 · in Armor · · 24 · 1.7K

Here is the amazing diorama from 1983!
Tanks are built straight from the box for the most part.
Paints are all Humbrol enamels and the decals came from the old kit.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

24 responses

  1. DonĀ“t know how many actually understood this fantastic kit back then, totally original models and a nice diorama to go with it. It is only lately we have come to see other less known tanks than Sherman, Pz IV and Tigers. Well done Guy and Matchbox!

  2. You have created a beautiful diorama out of this box, Guy @gaubert
    Well done.

  3. Top notch, Guy!

  4. That is a very nice diorama. Great workmanship. The French & Japanese had the most unique designs for tanks.

  5. Amazing result, Guy!
    Nothing better than a 1/76 Matchbox diorama!

  6. Did not know that set could look so good!.

  7. Superb Guy ! I love the detail on this fabulous kit !

  8. Excellent work, Guy! Great minds think alike.

  9. Really good work and a very nice result.

  10. All of the above, great job!

  11. Great to see some armor and then in BE as well! My home! Well done @gaubert

  12. ? Thank you Michel!

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