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paul teixeira
98 articles

1/48 F-86K Sabre Dog

August 5, 2022 · in Aviation · · 23 · 1.4K

This is the "MustHave!" models F-86K. Basically "MustHave!" models took the complete / F-86D kit and simply added a completely new tooled "F-86K" fuselage. They also added a small photo-etch plate and some resin pieces. The model builds up as well as the original Revell F-86D which is an outstanding kit. The new fuselage is manufactured to the same high-standard as the original Revell F-86D version. "Musthave!" did not include the German Airforce markings in this particular release but they do include them in a later release of the same kit. I needed to purchase aftermarket decals to get German markings. The markings unfortunately are not a perfect match for this particular aircraft.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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23 responses

  1. Very nice rendition of one of my favorite birds. Bravo!

  2. A wonderful result, Paul! Your chosen subject is equally superb!

    • Thank You, the subject was a specific request from a customer I met on Ebay. I had sold a 1/32 F-86D by Kittyhawk and he saw it on Ebay and asked if I could make him a German painted one. I did not want to build another Kittyhawk...aggg! So, I found this for him as a compromise.

  3. Very cool Paul- Love the look of the scheme you selected. Camo looks great. Never heard of "Musthave" kits. Will have to look into them after seeing your superb result

  4. Had to smash the like button. F-86K doesn't always get modeled or seen in the U.S.. Something of a wayward bird when it comes to F-86s. I imagine the K in reality was more practical than the F-86D which carried unguided missiles. Having a pilot aim, point and shoot at bad guy given the technology of the time would been more practical.

    Two thumbs up.

  5. Nice! Slap a couple of sidewinders on it, of which I think they did later on, and you one hot dog.

  6. Nice work, Paul.

  7. Wonderful. Caught my eye immediately.
    Wasn’t there a Pro Modeler version of this kit back when?

    • Thanx for feedback! Yes Pro Modeler was released with photoetch. I built it years ago and it is a fantastic model to build. I did this in under 2-weeks b/c just a breeze to build. Took me longer to research colors then build model.

  8. Excellent result, Paul @jjetmec
    Chosen scheme is great and beautifully applied.

  9. Paul, wonderful work on this, I really like the paint scheme !

  10. Awesome build, Paul (@jjetmec). I have never heard of "Must Have" kits, but I need to look them up. The F-86 is one of my favorite planes, and I think the F-86D may be one of the best kits that Monogram made. Well done on the paint and decals.

    • I had never heard of MustHave either until I started researching the build of a German F-86. They are very small company and I believe this specific model is OOP. Purchase this from Ebay at the request of a customer.

  11. Wauw Paul Super that I could help you the model builders know no limits. Kind regards Hans Peter

  12. Great job on your Sabre Dog, it looks great!

  13. The ole Dog looks nice in those Luftwaffe markings! Nicely done.

  14. Not a fan of the "Dog", preferring the clean lines of the original. Yours looks great

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