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John vd Biggelaar
45 articles

Ilyushin Il2 Stormovik Revell 1/48 (No.03932 year 2017)

August 25, 2022 · in Aviation · · 32 · 1K

Two months ago a combo build was started for the Ilyushin Il2 Stormovik together with Spiros @fiveten. This groupbuild grew rapidly and has already shown some great builds of this amazing aircraft and some excellent builds are still in progress.
I decided to participate this groupbuild with a single seater variant from Revell which originates from the Accurate Miniatures kit dated 1997.
Mostly build out of the box with a few exceptions.
Seatbelts are provided as decals, meaning very flat. To make them look at bit more 3D, I put the decals on a piece of masking tape and cut them out.
On some original pictures, it was seen that on some of those early Stormoviks, strengthening ribs were used on the fuselage, in the early stages the aircraft suffered from a weak fuselage construction, a nice addition to make the aircraft look a bit 'different'. The ribs are created by using plastic strips.
I was in favor of having this aircraft done in winter camouflage, as shown on the picture with the belly landed aircraft which also has the strengtening ribs, but was struggling on how to get that done until I was informed about using a washable white from MiG (thanks for that George @gblair). To me this was a new way to create a winter camouflage for me, but this technique did give quite a nice result to my opinion.
Other little modifications are the addition of brake lines to the main landing gear and opening the exhaust pipes to give a bit more realistic looks.

The full building progress can be found here:

I would like to thank all who participated, and still are, in the groupbuild. A lot of information was shared and did definitely help in getting this build done.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

24 additional images. Click to enlarge.

32 responses

  1. It looks great, John @johnb, the winter camouflage is especially effective, and the other extras you’ve added make all the difference between an out of the box build and a scale model to be proud of.

  2. Came out wonderful, my friend @johnb!
    A superb build allover, your extra effort really paying off.
    The camo stands out!
    A totally informative build thread as well.
    Apart from pure pleasure, it was an honor to build with you.

  3. Well done, John! Nicely done with the winter weathering.

  4. Nice work, John! The white camo looks great. You did an exceptional job on the cockpit too. I really like the seat belts. Maybe I’ll dig mine out of the deep storage box that it’s been in for 20+ years.

  5. Very nice John. I like the build and technique photos as well.
    I was not aware Of Stormbird single seaters.
    This site is a veritable museum. Lots of information by build enthousiasts !

    • @bernardbedeur, thank you, Bernard. The first Stormoviks were single seaters but seemed to be very vulnerable from behind attacks. Seems like the first rear gunner position were created by the aircrew themselves. At the later production aircraft the rear gunner was standard and the aircraft was much more succesful that way.

  6. VERY nice work, John. Love the camo, well done!

  7. Super photos of your completed build John, @johnb. I’d say you mastered that winter wash superbly on your first try. This is right up there with your Wellington.

    Great build tread you all.

  8. That is a real beauty! Well done.

  9. I'm allergic to the red star, but the model came out really beautiful! And don't get confused by Soviet propaganda spreading theses about the superiority of Il-2 over other assault planes. I recommend reading the efficiency and losses of Il-2 aircraft during the Battle of Kursk as an example.

  10. It was a pleasure following your build, John, and it gives me great satisfaction watching the final photos of the finished model! I guess I have to up my game now 😀

  11. Well done, John (@johnb). It was a pleasure following your build in the multi-builder build. It was interesting how everyone used different methods and techniques to overcome the challenges in these kits.

    • @gblair, thank you, George. Your result motivated me to get the most out of mine. Different approaches and techniques but all leading towards fine results. Thanks again for the tip on the washable white. It was a pleasure to have you onboard this groupbuild.

  12. @johnb

    My god John, I’ve been oblivious to the Il-2 WIP journal and completely missed the final stages of your gorgeous Shturmovik. Well done my friend, the white distemper paint is very well done imo.
    PS- gotta get mine over the table again and work on it

  13. Wow, great completion John! Looks amazing and that winter camo is tops.
    That group build has some nice info - looks like it's almost at 500 posts!

  14. I followed this project and was really impressed by the work that went into it. This is a great result @johnb!

  15. Man, it's hard to keep up with stuff here

    Splendid paintwork sir love the whitewash

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