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Aaron Bouma
33 articles

M109A1 155mm Self Propelled Howitzer

This is my newest model. The M109A1 SP gun. The M109 is America's most prominent legacy self propelled gun since the 1960s, following the M110 203mm self propelled gun in 203mm. The M109 has been a standard SP in many NATO countries, including, Canada, Norway, US. But it was exported to many different countries, Morocco, Libya, Greece, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Brazil, Pakistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Oman, and many more including Ukraine, from Norway. The A1 , (Seen here), variant began use in 1970 onward. The newest version is the US M109A7 PIM. The A1 variant and onward have a crew of 6. Can shoot 18.1km standard HE 155mm rounds. With Rocket Assisted, this gun could shoot to 23.5km. Later versions can shoot farther. This was built with pine and cedar, scratch built. 98% wood. Tracks are cardboard, with wood built in. Built with looking at pictures.

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4  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Excellent work ! How long did this take to make ?

  2. About 30 hours or so.

  3. Modelmaking! Looks great.

  4. Looks wonderful, Aaron! Your skills are amazing!

  5. Amazing build, Aaron @aaronbouma
    You are doing such a great work with wood and paper.
    Well done.

  6. Wow, great job scratch building.
    Served on an 'A3 with the KS National Guard.

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