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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

The wages of writing :-)

September 2, 2022 · in News · · 28 · 1.3K

So, some of you may have noticed over at the website that they have an actual historian writing their history (with more to come). That would be yours truly, who was asked by Vlad if I would do that, and said "sure!" They being my favorite guys, I'm glad to help.

So it was a really pleasant surprise to step out onto the front porch of Le Chateau du Chat a bit ago to check the mail, and find this Really Big Box there on the porch. And the address label said it was from Eduard. WTF? Not expecting any review samples now...

So I drag it inside and open it up, and...


With a thank you note.

How thankful were they? This thankful:

Limited Edition "Red Tails & Co." two MTO Mustangs, with a ton of "never done" markings.

LimitedEdition " Story: Per Aspera Ad Astra: Spitfire Vc in RAF, RAAF, USAAF service in ETO, MTO, CBI, SWPA" - two Spitfire Vc's with a ton of "never done" markings.

A6M2 Zero Model 11 - 1/48

-3A Profipack with three Overtrees kits - 1/48

Bf-109G-10 Erla re-release - 1/48

Sopwith Camel "Comic" nightfighter - 1/48

Brassin resin 3D cockpit for the Zlin Trener

Avia CS-199 -

Fw-190A-8 standard wing (weekend) - 1/72

Spitfire VIII (weekend) - 1/72

I always told my dad that writin' bidness was gonna pay off... 🙂

Reader reactions:
20  Awesome

28 responses

  1. Tom:
    Richly deserved! I really enjoy your writing, and have purchased many of your books, as proof. You have done a masterful job with your historical narratives, and I have enjoyed all of them. Thank you!

  2. Read your article on their August newsletter about the brave marine flyers of Wake Island (time for this month’s edition now). It really was good in depth article, very much your usual captivating writing Tom.
    That’s one box I would love to get my hands 😉
    How about an article on that comic camel?

  3. NICE on many accounts!
    And being a long holiday weekend you will probably have them all built by the end of the weekend! LOL
    Congrats, Tom, well deserved.

    • Well, I am planning to hide from the heat (Official "Extreme Heating Warning" in the City of Lost Angles until Tuesday, temps tomorrow, Sunday and Monday 100F+, and then all the way "down" to 96 the rest of the week 🙁 ) and do one. I just can't figure out which one.

  4. What a gift, Tom!
    Well deserved!

  5. Great gesture on their part. Your write up in their Info magazine was excellent as usual.

  6. Great acknowledgement and well deserved, Tom!

  7. Congrats, Tom! What a nice gesture on their part.

  8. Well deserved,Tom.I actually joined this site after following your writings(and building.)Can you use your influence with Eduard and ask for a 1/48 series of F4U Corsairs?I would love to see their touch on the dash4 and 5 models.

  9. Great gift @tcinla have a lot of fun with these!

  10. history and the Literary arts are one. gratitude follows. Nice Kits !

  11. What a fantastic and well deserved surprise, Tom @tcinla
    I can imagine that you had a big smile on your face openening that box.
    A lot more interesting modelling hours up ahead.
    Just grabbed their September newsletter and will definitely read that article.
    Thanks for sharing all these great articles with all of us, Tom.

  12. Well deserved Tom ! I really enjoy your articles and builds, keep up the good work.

  13. With great power, comes great responsibility or is it the Pencil is mightier than the Sword. There seems to be a mutual love for plastic. I have no doubt in my mind that there are a few good articles in those kits. Good to see a little comic relief too. Way to go TC.

  14. I loved your article. This little gift should keep you busy with building AND writing projects for quite a while.

  15. @tcinla, as my wife's old Uncle Leo would say, Tom, you've made out like a Chinese bandit with that gift! I'd say it was a just reward too. Good show, and yes, we'll look forward to seeing them all here!

  16. It is indeed a nice surprise. That box would keep me busy for years. 🙂

  17. What a haul, Tom (@tcinla). If anyone can put these to use, it is you. Looking forward to seeing them all in finished photos soon. Cheers.

  18. What a haul is right, Tom @tcinla. Eduard folks are good people and they treat fellow modelers right 100% from part replacements to kit advice in addition to their informative monthly news letters. Back when they issued the Bf-109G-6 five years ago or so, I happened to be in Prague and gave the Eduard front office a holler. I didn't have time to drop by as they are a bit out of the way, but Eduard hooked me up with list of cool Cezch hobby shops and "don't miss" air museums which I really appreciated and followed their spot on suggestions. I also snatched up that G-6 Profi-Pack dirt cheap weeks before it arrived on our shores. But back to your box of goodies: I'm sure you will have them all built by the end of next week, heat dome permitting. Along with a well written history for each one. Looking forward to the results!

  19. Super nice! Eduard is going from strength to strength and this proves that going the extra mile (what other model company goes this much into the history of the kits they make?) is win-win for all.

    I have a quartet of Zeros to build myself for my help with the details on this bird. I should be starting the first one soon. Looking forward to it! 🙂

  20. That's what I call a fair and well-deserved deal!

  21. I'm impressed!

  22. Congrats! That haul should keep you busy for a few days based on your build rate.

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