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Carl Christensen
50 articles


November 27, 2022 · in Diorama · · 6 · 0.7K

This is the 3rd (and final) reincarnation of this base. The last 2 subjects on it never quite worked for me but this time I'm happy.

The Tank destroyer is a . The figures are Paratroop sets 2 and 3, and if you look hard enough you'll notice the German prisoners from Miniart.

The parascooter is a cool wee extra but very fiddly to build. The PE parts on it made me cross eyed at some points as they were so small, but I got there at the end. I'm really liking the Gecko stuff currently and enjoy how they look here.

The Marder was a dream build and is a really nice build. It's been sitting for ages on the base while I waited for Gecko to release set 3. Both the gecko sets came with a parascooter so now I have one for the spares box.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. This is an amazing diorama, Carl! Excellent in every respect!

  2. Nicely designed diorama altogether, Carl, and a parascooter, never seen one of those before.

  3. Beautiful diorama, Carl @carlpud
    A lot of action kid visible in this small scene.

  4. Beautiful diorama. the vehicle is very nice, and the figures are very good. The "story" is easily told.

  5. Great build, Carl!

  6. Very nice Carl, it came out great! Sounds like you had a fun build.

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