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Bruce Archer
28 articles

Pretty in Pink

November 15, 2022 · in Aviation · · 11 · 0.9K

Hi All!
Here is another , this time a Spitfire MK.I PR Type Ic (early or first). It started out as an 1/48th scale Spitfire Vb, which led to more work but I had run out of Spitfire Is. The wings had the bulges removed ( I used crazy glue to back up the bulges for removal) and all of the seams were filled in ( as they were on the real a/c, then they were sanded smooth, painted, polished, and waxed). An Airwaves set contributed the resin bits ( new wing bulges, rear fuel tank) and the bulged canopy. The camera openings were painted black and tube-type cement was used for the lenses. Now for the paint. Since I already had Camotint (Sky) and PRU Blue PR Spits, it made sense to do a PRU Pink one. All of the restored Pink PR Spitfires and all of the ready-made PRU Pink paint is too pink. The color is actually off-white with a pinkish tint. This can be made by using a new container of your favorite Insignia White. Mix it thoroughly. Then using your favorite Insignia Red add drops of the red to the white ONE AT A TIME!. Thoroughly mix the white, then add the next drop. Keep adding drops until the mixed white changes. You will see this. Now you have PRU Pink.

The second type of PR. Ic had an enlarged lower cowl for the larger oil tank. The later PR. Ics were rebuilt to Mk. V standards. Hpe you like it...

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Great looking Spitfire, Bruce (@rbrucearcher). I have heard of PRU Pink, but have never seen it modeled before. Well done with all the extra steps to convert this Airfix kit into a recon aircraft.

  2. Thanks, George ! It took a while for me to get the color correct, I ruined a lot of Insignia White! With the Airwaves set ( they were taken over by Hannets) the main parts of the conversions are easy.


  3. It’s certainly a very delicate shade of pink, Bruce, makes for a pretty Spitfire.

  4. Well done, Bruce!
    A great and unusual Spit!

  5. Very nicely done, Bruce @rbrucearcher
    An unknown Spitfire to me as well, thanks for sharing the info.

  6. Very nice and bang on with the colour

  7. Another cool modification @rbrucearcher

  8. Nice work, Bruce. PR Spits are always great subjects.

  9. Well done - I'd never seen a PRU Pink bird!

  10. Thanks for all of the nice comments. When the Lovely and De-Liteful Dana and I went to Ottawa to see the dedication of Mike Potter's Spitfire XVI, I met a "Dicer" pilot who explained to me what "DIcer" missions were. He had true grit.


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