1/72 Academy Republic P-47D Thunderbolt 1st Aviation Fighter Group

December 22, 2022 · in Aviation · · 9 · 511

Hi folks,

this is a very nice kit to build,and this one has been built for a great friend...

It represents the aircraft of Lt Alberto Martins Torres,who flew 100 missions in Italy during WW II,in support of the interdiction efforts of the Allied forces in the Italian Theatre,1944-45.

The Brazilian Squadron,composed of 4 flights,A,B,C and D (with planes in flight having numbers),part of the USAAF 350FG,flew misions straight from arrival in theater to the end of hostilities,earning a awesome reputation and lots of casualties,too...no crews exchange!Always the same ones!

More about Brazilians in WW II :


A simple build which I hope you like...

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Very cool @mvtb, the fact that it represents a real person is truly fantastic! Nice work.

  2. Amazing job, Marcus!

  3. Very nice result, Marcus @mvtb
    A not so often chosen scheme in Brazilian markings.
    Well done.

  4. Very nice results. Is nice to see it in uncommon markings.

  5. Cool looking Thunderbolt!

  6. Really nice result with this Marcus @mvtb. The story of the Brazilian fliers in Italy is little-known and should be better-known.

  7. Very nice build, Marcus. Love the Brazilian markings and the fanned out cowling.

  8. A simple build maybe, but a great result.

  9. Excellent build! I have a decal set to make something similar and can't wait to get to it - love those Brazilian markings.

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