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Charles King
130 articles

Another weathered 1:50 Scale Truck Commission

December 15, 2022 · in Automotive · · 16 · 0.7K

Yep! It's another 1:50 scale commission job from the same customer, who commissioned the dock/bay. The customer partner, Tobias Oscarsson, has the exact same truck in real life. This time, its a simple weathering job. I decided to go for the winter look. Here in Sweden it is cold, and I do mean COLD! Once again, apology for the photos. My camera has gone haywire. But I think because it is below minus 17 Celsius at the time, I took these photos. My camera could not take the cold outside. Anyway, This is pretty much how it looks during the winter season for trucks. I mimic the icy, cold, frozen snow look, on top of the truck, front, and back from the melted, slushy snow on the roads ,while driving. I've seen this many times and decided to mimic the look on this truck, as I thought, it would look awesome. I have yet to do the boggie and trailer, that goes along with this truck. Hope you like the results. 🙂

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. I’m shivering, it’s similarly cold here in north east China. Very realistic winter weathering.

  2. Another supreme rendition, my friend Charles!
    You have surely captured those cold, icy looks!

  3. Very realistic snow and ice effects, Charles @tiking
    To me this does not look to be a simple weathering job.
    Currently all trucks here do look that way, -8°C during the nights.

  4. Excellent work on this one, Charles. The frozen slush on the back of the truck looks just right. Not a fan of cold weather. I woke up to 50 F this morning here in S. Alabama. Cold enough!

  5. Excellent weathering - and exactly why my wife would never concede to relocating to such a destination! Just looking at this and she'd have to put on her heaviest coat.

  6. Temperature just dropped 20 degrees here at Le Chateau du Chat when I looked at the pix!

  7. I'm getting cold just looking at the pictures. Another awesome job!

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