Austrian Aces...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-4/R6/trop, 8./JG53, Lt. Franz Schiehs

December 9, 2022 · in Aviation · · 11 · 0.9K


Another 109 by my dad.
Eduard Weekend Edition, added PE seatbelts from the sparesbox, antenna wires with EZ Line, brake lines added with plastic rods and lead wire. Painted with AK Real Color RLM 78/79/80.

Build thread here

Franz Schiehs (also written Schiess or Schieß) was born on February 25th 1921 in Austria. He already participated in the Polish campaign but not yet as pilot. Later on he became one an served with JG53 over the British channel, the Soviet Union and at last in the MTO. In February 1943 he became CO of the 8. Gruppe. On September 2nd 1943 he led a sortie against US bombers over Italy and went MIA. It is supposed that he fell victim to P-38s.
Schiehs made it to Hauptmann, was awarded the Knight´s Cross and was credited with 67 victories.
The model shows his G-4 in April 1943 in Tunisia when he still was a Leutnant.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome 1 

19 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Excellent achievement on Scheihs' 109, Reinhard @grimreaper
    The scheme, like the rest of the build, looks really good.
    It was a pleasure to follow the building progress.

  2. Another masterpiece, this time to the form of a Trop Gustav!
    A fantastic build thread!
    Well done, Spreitzhofer Family!

  3. Another great 109, Reinhard. The tropical versions are always interesting.

  4. A beautiful 109 - love the desert scheme. Excellent as always.

  5. With regards to political correctness, it is a nice model of a WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft, but it is not finished without the swastika emblem on the empennage, so therefore is not an accurate representation of the actual aircraft. You can't deny history.

    • It happens that in the country the modeler lives in, that displaying the swastika is illegal. Whoever you are, since no one has ever seen you here before, why don't you go back to whatever flyover hellhole you crawled out of?

    • Not because of political correctness or denying history but adjusting to upcoming law changes. Due to our Third Reich past here in Austria we have similar laws like Germany. So far it was kind of a gray zone showing models with swastikas here. Foreign websites were, theoretically, no problem. But the law will be changed in the near future. Posting things that are illegal in Austria on foreign websites and the site can be seen/opened here in Austria, it´s illegal too then. How far models will be concerned then, can´t tell now.

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