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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Year in review, let's see yours too!

December 16, 2022 · in Uncategorized · · 10 · 0.6K

I always enjoy posts. I have a figure I may get in before the 31st, but if I do I will add it later Here is my year. Revell box scale X-3, Monogram "white box" 1/48 FW-190, Monogram Sand Crab, one and only issue, Monogram Tijuana Taxi, the reverse engineered issue not the original issue, Tamiya 1/48 F-4B, and last but not least original issue "4 start plastikit" 1964 Monogram Hawker Hurricane

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Those are some cool old classics ! You did a nice job on them , the F-4 is nice too!

  2. That's a great and varied collection...congrats on a productive year. Love the speed buggy!

  3. You’ve had a busy year, Rob.

  4. A fantastic, productive year, Rob!
    Love them all!

  5. A beautiful set of models produced this year, Rob @robertandy

  6. A great year of builds

  7. Well done, Rob (@robertandy). You have some great kits, and the X-3 certainly brings back memories. Well done.

  8. Nice, they all look fanatastic. I love them all!

  9. Quite an eclectic output for the year! It's easy to see you model for the joy of it!

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