1/32 Trumpeter A-7E Corsair II – VA-37 Tribute Build
This was a tribute build of the aircraft squadron I served with in the early 1980's. I served with VA-37 stationed out of NAS Cecil Field located in Jacksonville, Florida. I used Trumpeter's kit and added resin ejection seat and tires, Cutting Edge decals for the squadron, custom decals for specific aircraft and the Commanding Officer's name, and custom lighting. for lighting I am used: 8 – white pico LED's (fuselage lights, tail lights, landing light, and the AoA lights), 2 – red flashing pico LED's for the fuselage, 4 – red pico LED's for the cockpit side panels, 2 – 3mm red LED's (one for instrument panel the other for the wing tip lights) and 1- 3mm green LED for the wing tip lights. I am also used about 38” of 0.5mm fiber optic lines for the wing tips and the AoA lights. I completed this with a brass name plate commemorating the day I joined the squadron.
Here is a link to a video of the completed project showcasing the lighting that was added.
All of the details and photos from start to finish can be seen in my build log at https://davidsscalemodels.com/1-32-a-7e-corsair-ii-va-37-the-bulls/
Absolutely stunning, David @davids_models
Incredible work done on both, the model and the lighting.
It was a pleasure to follow your building process.
A great tribute build David. The lighting looks very cool

Nice one
Fantastic! I love the look of the Corsair, and this is a beautiful rendition of it, something to be rightly proud of!
An amazing model down to every respect, David!
A very informative build thread too!
Cool! VA-37 was on Saratoga when I was with VF-31 1976 Med cruise. You had the old squadron insignia on the tail.
Great looking build , love the VA-37 paint scheme, and it lights up cool.
Good job on the build log if i ever build a Corsair II i know where to go for info.
A nice clean SLUF! Well done.
As an ex-West Coast SLUF fixer from the same general era I'm thoroughly impressed- now if only someone would do a decal re-print run of 1/48 lo-viz WestPac SLUFs so I can do one for VA-22!
Furball Decals makes a set https://www.furballaero-design.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=48%2D068
A great build and video, you are very self-disciplined, you must be very pleased with the finished model.