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Ross Paton
31 articles

Can you see the join! Tackle in or tackle out?

January 30, 2023 · in Aviation · · 10 · 598

I always wrestle with the dilemma engine exposed or not? I know some people on here firmly believe in showing the fine lines and buttoning up. I, however see the engines as 50% of the story with WWII aircraft. So here is my latest build of Tamiya's P51. Very enjoyable, very expensive. Best of both worlds? Maybe. But however carefully you fit it, seam lines on cowling covers are overscale.

Better to commit one way or the other as with this earlier build of 's BF109G with Eduard's lovely DB605.

If you want a completely buttoned up P51 however, the Revell one is better value by a country mile!

This Tamiya kit was fun and I tried to be very careful However I had a struggle to get the front canopy assembly to fit flush. Shows on these pics. Need to go back there with an angle grinder.

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10  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Very nice! Detail to the max!

  2. Stunning details indeed, Ross!

  3. Lovely builds Ross 😊
    I'm going to have to get one of Tamiyas 1/32 P-51's they look fantastic

  4. Excellent build! Lots of details on the engines nicely highlighted by the fine paint work. Well done.

  5. Awesome, love to look under the 'hood!

  6. Looks very nice with all the details visible, Ross @ross4
    Well done.

  7. impressive work on both kits especially the engines/interior structures! Well done

  8. Thanks for the kind comments. However, I see I have put the wheels on the wrong way round! 🙂

  9. Well done, Ross!

  10. Nice job! I built one of these and left the engine cowlings on. I do remember the windscreen being a tricky fit that I didn't quite get right.

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