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Tony Anderton
29 articles


January 27, 2023 · in Armor · · 7 · 594

Built straight OOB. No problems, just a fun little kit to build while I'm recovering from illness.

Few things i DONT like about this kit is the gaping chasm where the driver should be if, as i did, you build it with the hatch open, and those HORRIBLE multi-part tracks!

Don't think I've "over weathered" it, but you guys may have other thoughts.

I will probably go back to it in a few months and add a few rust patches, and some more accessories such as stowage and, if i can find one, a driver.

Thanks for looking

ps..Quite enjoying the tank malarkey, might build some more in the future.

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6  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. @tonyanderton I think it looks GREAT! Feel better soon!

  2. She looks real nice, Tony @tonyanderton
    Definitely not overweathered to my opinion.

  3. Very nice result. Definitely not over-weathered.

  4. Fantastic result, Tony!

  5. A great looking build!

  6. It definitely looks as though you’re recovering, great 1/48 scale Russian tank. Maybe the driver’s run away because he doesn’t want to go to Ukraine………

  7. Nice work, Tony.

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