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Bruce Archer
25 articles

HMS Glory, part 2

March 2, 2023 · in Aviation · · 8 · 573

Hi All!

First let me say this was to be combined with the Sea Fury post, but the site would only let me post 2 images. If some one can let me know how to post more...I would appreciate it.

Here is my next contribution to the Korean War Group Build, a Fairey V from HMS Glory.

The Firefly V is 's kit. The kit was easy (for a limited run kit) to build, with only small amounts of filler. The kit is well detailed, and like the Sea Fury those with AMS can really go to town. The decals are from the spares box and the markings came from a Pathe video showing a strike being prepped on HMS Glory. Paint was also from Polly Scale.

The Firefly is as it appears on Glory prior to the theater stripes being applied ( Yeah! I hate stripes!). The Fairey Firefly V serialed VT368, Coded 207 R of 821 NAS on board HMS Glory, 1951

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

1 additional image. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Nice work, Bruce! I love the Firefly.

  2. Looks fantastic, Bruce!

  3. A beautiful Firefly, Bruce @rbrucearcher
    You should be able to upload much more pictures than just two, you might ask the moderator @editor

  4. Great work on this Bruce , this is an aircraft we don't see enough of.

  5. It looks great, Bruce, and I’m with you on the stripes. As for loading pictures, this site occasionally has glitches in uploading pictures, but usually, if you try again, it works OK.

  6. Looks really good Bruce. What ‘s the scale ?

  7. Nicely done! I was just reading about the Firefly again last night, and thinking about my build of the old airfix 1/72 kit - one of my first builds when I got back into modeling years ago. I need to give this bird another go to be fair to it!

  8. Nice work Bruce, great looking Firefly.

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