China Skies 85th Sentai Nakajima KI-44 Shoki "Tojo" Hasegawa 1/48

April 24, 2023 · in Aviation · · 13 · 508

Rehab of an old from Manchukuo AF into the famous - at least for its camos - 85th Sentai,facing the Allies in the China skies...

Hope you like it...


Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Looks absolutely stunning Marcus!

  2. Very nice work, I really got build a Tojo one day…

  3. One of my favorite airplanes. Those toolings date back to 1995, I believe. It's the best option available for the Shoki in 1/48, and can still be made into a really nice representation, but I wish someone would do a modern kit of this underrepresented, but remarkable aircraft.

    You did a great job filling the wing/fuselage seam on the bottom.

  4. Excellent rehab, Marcus @mvtb
    I really like the chipping you did on this aircraft.
    Which technique did you use for that.

  5. You could quell some Devils with that! Really nice work.

  6. Tks to each one of you guys!

    John,Humbrol 11 underneath and Tamiya acrylic over works everytime...

  7. Chipping looks cool!

  8. Nicely done Marcus!

  9. Really good take on this handsome plane.

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