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Tony Prince
97 articles

Hawker Sea Hurricane, in 1/48, by Airfix.

April 21, 2023 · in Aviation · · 21 · 392

An enjoyable build (for the most part) and one which I will be happy to do again, as I have the standard Hurricane in my stash. Commendable fit except for the interior cockpit framing interfering with the fuselage/ wing joint. Solved by trimming the instrument panel & firewall as they seemed too wide. From then on, relatively problem free. are due congratulations on their surface detail as well as the alternative canopies & all the left-overs for my spares box! I put in some extra cockpit detailing & seatbelts, not that you can see much. I also drilled out the navigation lights to represent red & green bulbs. The undercarriage needed care, with no visible means of attachment, but gluing the retraction struts on first made all the difference & they mounted easily & accurately: just needed a bit of lateral thinking! To be fair, I really must pay more attention to the instructions!

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

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21 responses

  1. A very beautiful build! Lovely paintjob Tony. That Airfix Hurri in 1/48 is really nice.

  2. That's a great build Tony. Looks like the Airfix Hurricane is a good kit Nice one 👍

  3. The Airfix new tool 1/48 Hurricane is a good kit, but I'm puzzled by the omission of the pilots' headrest in the sea hurricane version, imagine being shot off a catapult with only some cold steel armour plate behind your noggin?

    • Thanks Bernard. I looked for one too, but it's not there. I should really scratch build one as it wouldn't be difficult (just as well I left the canopy open!). There are photos as references; I shouldn't be lazy!

  4. Fantastic result out of the good Airfix kit, Tony!
    Well done!

  5. Always nice to see an Airfix kit built so well.

  6. Looks great! I'm just finishing up Arma Hobby's kit in 1/72. The Sea Hurricane is a nice, subtle verge off the beaten path, and nice to see options for it in both scales. Nice finish on this one!

  7. Very nice. I need one

  8. A beautiful Sea Hurricane, one of my favorite aircraft, Tony @tony-prince
    Is this a new mold Airfix or still an old one.

    • Thanks John. This is the new release & Airfix also have a Hurricane boxing which appears to have similar sprues but RAF decals. As the under fuselage parts are separate for the arrestor hook stowage you are spoilt for choice.

  9. Nicely done! Thanks for sharing your work! This is a great build

  10. Great work, Tony. I thoroughly concur on everything you say about the kit.

  11. Nice job Tony, lovely looking Sea Hurricane.

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