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Robert Knaack
45 articles

Academy USMC SBD-1 "Pearl Harbor"

May 1, 2023 · in Aviation · · 28 · 0.9K

After spending three months on the card stock Russian tank, I decided I wanted to take a break and do something simple and easy. This kit fit the bill nicely and accomplished two things: a) I finally upgraded my dive-bomber collection by replacing the Monogram with a modern kit and b) I was able to add an example of the overall light gray camouflage scheme that was only used for the pre-war period of 1941.

This was an enjoyable kit to build, plenty of detail and nice fit for the most part. I did have to do some puttying around the wing-to-fuselage joint on the bottom, but otherwise it went together with no problems. I further simplified the experience by brush painting everything with Vallejo acrylics, except for the actual exterior light gray coat, which was air-brushed. I used Vallejo black primer underneath, and Tamiya panel liner on top. The kit has two sets of canopies so it can be built with them all open or all closed. I went with the third option - front open only, so I had to cut away the pilot canopy from the "closed" set with a razor saw. I laboriously masked the canopies with tape before discovering the canopy mask in the box(!) - oops. Oh, well.

The kit supplies decals for two aircraft, one that was present at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and one based in Quantico, Virginia (of which there are actual photos on the web). I went with the Pearl Harbor version, of course. They went on nicely and settled down without needing any help.

A coat of Vellejo matt varnish went over the top of the decals, then I weathered with charcoal for the exhaust stains and dirty areas on the wings. Hope you enjoy my build!

Reader reactions:
21  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

28 responses

  1. A fantastic result, Robert! Would love to build one some day!

  2. Thank you, Spiros! @fiveten

  3. Amazing Dauntless, Robert @robgenev665
    Detailing, painting, weathering, everything looks great.
    The sunlight pictures are beautiful. When I take pictures of my models in bright sunlight, I simply see too much imperfections. Yours looks great allover.

  4. Have not see a SBD for some time, and yours turned out awesome, Robert!

  5. Looks really snazzy in the light grey. SBD's are Cool. Oh, nice yard.

  6. @robgenev665 - Incredible detail Robert. It looks very realistic in the natural sunlight. I seem to typically go for option 3 as well.

  7. That's a fine build and finish. I always liked the light grey scheme.

  8. Looks superb in the late afternoon sunlight, Robert.

  9. Nice work, Robert. It seems we never model planes in that scheme.

  10. Robert Knaack (@robgenev665)
    You did a wonderful job on your SBD. It looks magnificent. The SBD is one of my favorite WW2 US Naval planes. Some years ago we had one that's operated by the CAF land at our local Deland airport, which was actually used to train Dauntless, Wildcat, and Ventura US Navy aircrews during the War. Later on the Navy used the airport to train crews to operate the Navalized version of the B-24.

    So seeing (and hearing) the SBD at our airport was like a trip back in a time machine for me.

    I have taken one of my old build 1/48 Tamiya F2F Buffalo's, gave it a make over, and painted it up similarly. Then I was able to score a special edition boxing of the Accurate Miniatures "Pearl Harbor" kits, which contained two models in one box. One was a Dauntless, while the other was a Vindicator.

    The cool thing is that both kits were painted the same color scheme as yours is... now if I can paint one of my Devastators in this color combination I will be a very happy camper.

    Your model looks exceptionally nice, and the outdoor photo's are like icing on the cake.

    Well done, and I'll be sure to click on the "like" button too. Thanks for sharing this one with us.

  11. Very nice one, one of my favorite WWII planes!

  12. Great build! I am a fan of the SBD, but never realized it flew in that scheme. I may need to add another to the stash to get a similar result...

  13. Awesome Dauntless!

  14. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Very nice looking Dauntless Robert.
    Love that subtle faded look.

  15. @de4ever thank you kindly Erik!

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