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Scott Nelson
133 articles

Yet Another Corsair

May 12, 2023 · in Aviation · · 12 · 415

First I did “I like jugs.” Then I created “Spitfirepalooza.” Now I'm on the edge of being obsessed with Corsairs and having to create a name for said obsession.

Here's my third of the year, the -1D. This time I wanted to go for a clean look rather than the more worn appearance I did on the last two.

I used Mr. Hobby Aqueous Midnight Blue for the overall color. Using Mr. Color Leveling Thinner I got a very smooth glossy finish. Too much so. I tried Tamiya semi-gloss out of a rattle can to cut down the shine and I like the result.

Another great kit from Tamiya.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome 3  1  2 

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12 responses

  1. Wonderfully done. Build & finish spot-on.

  2. This looks fantastic. Being obsessed with something can be a good thing imho!

  3. Beautiful build! Love the checkerboard scheme on the Hog. I have this kit - need to get around to it...

  4. Nice job, Scott!
    Bent on Bent-wings or A Bent-wing Bender

  5. You’re in the Corsaireizone. You’ve entered the Corsairidome. You’re building a Corsthedral. It’s a Corsaganza.
    Awesome work! The dark colors are great but subtle. Great job on a beautiful plane.

  6. It's clear that your corsair obsession results in excellent builds, Scott @guitarhack5
    Excellent work on this one.

  7. A wonderful result, Scott!

  8. Another awesome Corsair, nice job!

  9. Nicely done Scott.

  10. Corsairs usually look good and this one is no exception.

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