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Carl Christensen
49 articles

A34 Comet British Cruiser Tank

June 27, 2023 · in Armor · · 13 · 506

This is (almost) 2 made straight from the box kits. Late war British A34 and Miniart Tank riders.

As always Tamiya, this kit is a pleasure to build. Apart from 2 bags and a driver i added from my spares box this is straight from the box with no after market extras (I'm slowly weening myself out of that expensive habit HaHa!)

The tank riders are straight from the box. This kit came with extra upgraded weapons and equipment however the early war patten helmets are still too flat and look too small for the figures heads. I've used the late war helmets that were also included. At this stage it's not going on a diorama, but that could change if inspiration grabs me.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome 2  1  2 

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13 responses

  1. @carlpud - Excellent build Carl. Your painting skills are quite impressive. I typically just opt for a wash on figures faces rather than trying to paint eyes. Very nice!

    • I just use light Grey to give the eyes some depth. I don't have the skill to do the white with black pupils. They always come out looking terrible. All I do is grey for eyes then a mix of red with the shin tone for lips then a wash of oil paint with turps. Done!

  2. Really nice, Carl!

  3. Beautiful work, Carl @carlpud
    The weathering is excellent as well as the detailing.

  4. Looks great as it is, Carl, but a diorama would be nice, too.

  5. Looks superb, Carl!

  6. Really nice work on this Carl. The figures look very realistic, as does the weathering on the tank.

  7. Well done, Carl!

  8. very good job, congratulations. I really liked the detail with the driver's door open

  9. Yes, that drivers hatch is a great touch. Nicely done.

  10. Thanks guys. I haven't done a lot of late war British stuff, but think I'll do more as really liked how this came out. Cheers

  11. Super work on this tank, Carl @carlpud! 👍 Your figures really seal the deal! 🍺

  12. Amazing build, exceptional weathering - well done.

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