F18 E Super Hornet 1/48 - Italieri
I'm new to the forum, so first things first.
My name is Federico and I am a novice modeler from the distant lands of a country called Argentina!
Although I have already built a few other models, this is my first job in aviation. Therefore, it has several errors in its construction that I hope not to repeat in my next project.
There is a lot to learn and I found this site that seems to be the right place!
I hope you like it.
P.S.: Excuse my English, although I read some of the language, I mainly use the Google translator to write.
Hi Federico, welcome to iModeler, we are all in distant lands, that is the beauty of the internet, I’m in China. I’m no aircraft expert but your Super Hornet looks pretty good to me. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Thanks George for your comment George, now I'm starting another plane. An F14 Tomcat in 1/48 from Revell.
My few previous works were dedicated to some tanks and figures that I also really like to work with.
Great looking Hornet Federico. Welcome to the site from another George
thanks George!
Welcome aboard, Federico @federicoschulze
You entered this community with an amazing looking Hornet, to me you are much more than a novice builder.
The weathering you achieved on this build is excellent.
Looking forward to see more of your builds.
Thank you very much for the welcome and your comment about my work, I really appreciate it!
@federicoschulze - Very nice work Federico. If this is your first plane model, you're doing incredible work already. Welcome to iModeler! This is truly an amazing community of people trying to help each other to continue building cool stuff and learn new techniques.
thank you so much! It was really a joy to find this community, I have already read several articles and they are excellent.
Welcome aboard, Federico. That hornet looks great!
Thanks Felix!
looks amazing
Thanks very much Martin!
Welcome to iModeler, Federico!
Saying you’re a novice is a bit of an understatement.
That Hornet looks absolutely fabulous.
Looking forward to the Tomcat on this platform.
Thanks very much Alfred!
Wonderful Hornet, Federico!
Welcome aboard!
Thanks Spiros!
Bienvenido @imodeler Federico!
For a first try at model airplanes I’d say you already have a nice handicap
You’ve used several trending techniques it seems, such has black basing and panel washes. Am I wrong? I really like the uneven grey paint in the upper surfaces, gives your model a sense of depth and wear. Thumbs up
Yes correct, use the techniques you mention, the irregular texture was an attempt to simulate the effect of water and sea mist accumulated on the deck of an aircraft carrier. In this way, it sought to give shades to the general gray of the plane.
Thank you very much for your encouraging comments!
Bienvenido a @imodeler Federico, estupendo trabajo! Ese F-18 se ve increíble con el desgaste que le diste.
Muchas gracias Mario! fue todo un desafío ya hace poco inicie en el hobby y en general arme tanques hasta ahora! Ahora inicie la construcción de un F14 Tomcat también en 1/48, veremos si sale algo lindo. Gracias por tu comentario y me alegro que te gustara.
Well done, Federico, that is an awesome Hornet and your weathering is amazing! Welcome to the site, I'm sure you will enjoy the shared love of modeling, friendly encouragement and information!
Thank you very much for the welcome and your comment, I really appreciate it
Super-duper build & finish. Wonderfully weathered. A real gem.
Thanks very much Bob!
What an excellent build to kick off your entry to iModeler. The site is great for spanning the globe of model enthusiasts. Your F-18 is a show stopper. Thanks for sharing.
Thnak very much Matt!
Very nice work especially given how this is your first aircraft. Pretty amazing really. Welcome to Imodeler, there are some experienced builders here who have no problems sharing techniques for improving your skills (although it looks to me like you have a good grasp on that anyway).
Thank you very much, I am really very happy that I found this website.
Although today one has a lot of information online, it is always good to have experienced people to answer specific questions and doubts. Once again, thank you very much for the welcome and your comment.
Nice Hornet, Federico! Welcome to imodeler.
Thanks Jhon!
Hello Federico !
Your F-18 looks excellent !
Welcome to imodeler.
Thanks Jay!
Welcome to imodeler, great looking f-18.
Thanks very much Mark!
Let me add my welcome, and say that the Hornet looks fantastic! You are leaps and bounds ahead of where I was when I first started back into the hobby! Great work.
Thanks Greg!
That is a beautiful build, my friend!
thanks Scott!
Beautiful aircraft my friend.
Beautiful model. Nice work with the weathering.