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Charles King
130 articles

How to ship a front loader

June 26, 2023 · in Automotive · · 21 · 392

There are several ways to ship a loader, this is one. This is a 1:35 version of such a scenario.

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21 responses

  1. 1:35 or 1:1? Looks like the latter! Superb result as always, my friend Charles!

    • Thank you Spiros. 🙂 BTW, which part of Greece are you from?

      • Chalkis, around 70 km north of Athens. Actually Chalkis is located in Evia island, very close to the shore

  2. I always thought front-loaders were domestic washing machines, now I know differently. Terrific scene, Charles, great attention to detail.

  3. I had a hard time realizing that it is 1/35 scale...

  4. More King Magic! (as always)

  5. Great to see your impeccable work again Mr King!

  6. Had to look multiple times to confirm this was modelled, Charles @tiking
    Very realistic once more.

  7. Once again: is it real, or did Charles do another great model? Excellent result!

  8. What they said, an impressive build!

  9. Excellent dio!

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