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Valter vaudagna
50 articles

Savoia Marchetti SM 79 Bombardiere

June 9, 2023 · in Aviation · · 17 · 1K

SIAI SM 79 belonging to the 52° squadron of the 27th land bomber group.

model,ITALERI AND SKY DECALS,colored with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics ,XF 59 for yellow camo 3,XF 64 for brown camo 2 ,,Gunze H302 for green camo 53194,

and XF25+ 30%white for light gray blue.

The model has been completed in about 50 working hours

Reader reactions:
29  Awesome 6  1  7 

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. A wonderful result, Valter!

  2. Holy s::t, that’s good. Extremely impressive.

  3. Wow! I really like the paintwork on this one.

  4. Absolutely superb Valter. Perfect

  5. Brilliant modelling, Valter, particularly in 1/72 scale.

  6. superb work on that camouflage - and in 1/72 no less! love it!

  7. Very impressive !

  8. Profile Photo
    Walt said on June 9, 2023

    Beautiful build and excellent paint work especially in that scale. Great presentation on the base it looks great. I would say nailed it!

  9. That's a spectacular build and stunning paintwork. And especially so in 1:72!

  10. This Sparviero looks amazing, Valter @zagorten27
    With so much detail and great paint work, it is hard to believe this is 1/72
    Well done.

  11. As our Italian friend are sure to say, "Molto Bene"
    Excellent diorama and camouflage work, Valter.

  12. That's a WOW. All boxes checked, a fabulous model and base.

  13. A true wonder. Bravo!

  14. A beautifully rendered model in construction, painting and presentation... exquisite. Very well done, Valter... :-).

  15. Beautiful Valter (@zagorten27). Excellent paint work. I have this same kit and I can see from yours that it can be made into a very nice example of this aircraft.

  16. Beautiful paintwork! I have a couple of these in the stash - will probably use your scheme for one of them, I like it so much!

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