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David G LANE
122 articles

Roland VI.b, Jasta 59, 1918

July 10, 2023 · in Aviation · · 16 · 430

WNW 1:32 .
Tamiya paints and printing ink
Aviattic 5 colour lozenge with oil paint weathering
Gaspatch and Properplane turnbuckles and wooden finger joint decals
Model Kasten rigging
Prop:oils over acrylics

Reader reactions:
23  Awesome 7  7 

26 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Superb model, David!

  2. Your WWI aircraft are some of the best I've seen!

  3. This is insane. Ly good!

  4. Wow, speechless, David @mentaldental
    This build is really spot on, so much detail.
    Well done.

  5. Love everything about this model. The textural and tonal contrasts and details are perfect and really bring out the materials used on the original.

  6. Man, what a beauty! Just excellent work all the way around!

  7. Real nice !

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  8. @mentaldental - Incredible work David!

  9. Two!? Again, excellent work!

  10. Excellent work, David. I like your woodwork a lot.

  11. The wood effect is especially convincing.

  12. David, @mentaldental that is simply and incredible build. You show a mastery of assembly and then show it off with some stunning paint and weathering techniques. It really is a true show stopper. Beautiful!

  13. Exceptional work, the attention to detail is brilliant.

  14. Well done, David. That mix of wood, paint and Lozenge is beautiful. You have done it so well! Museum quality!

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