Toyota TS050 Race car with an A6M5 feel

July 31, 2023 · in Automotive · · 14 · 216

I am an airplane guy. I joined a group build that had as its theme motor sports. I had picked up this kit a few months ago with the intent of giving it a Japanese fighter feel.

The main color is IJN Dark Green. I shot the hood in semi-gloss black. The cockpit is finished in Japanese interior cockpit green.

Of course no Japanese fighter would be complete without a yellow orange lead-edge. In this case, the lead edge low scoops.

The meatball was painted one using a stencil cut from my cricket. Then the kit was finished off with a good bit of chipping.

Such fun. I have built a Porsche and finished it in a panzer motif, a Mustang funny car as a P-51 and now I have a Japanese fighter. What if the war had moved from the battle fields and the sky, to the race track?

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7  Awesome 2 

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Unique rice rocket!

  2. Very cool. I'm thinking of doing a '65 Mustang with P-51 markings

  3. Amazing result and a very creative paint job, Tom!
    Well done!

  4. Fantastic idea and superb result, Tom @tomandrews

  5. What a fun and unique way to build. Really nice job on your build and paint, love painted on bullet holes. I have known people who have done that to the real cars. Growing up there was a guy who had his MG painted up as a Fw190 in the Butcher Bird motif, it was great! He was also a model builder and I have bumped into him on line since then over in Hyperscale.

  6. Great work!
    I posted a Frank Williams F1 car a few years ago. Original decals failed, so as an airplane guy (for the most part) I had few options in the spares box. I considered weathering it with bits of rubber but never could come up with the right mixture of "goo".

  7. @tomandrews - Very cool approach! The paint and weathering look fantastic!

  8. Love it!
    How about a Bentley or Jaguar Le Mans car with a spitfire scheme?

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