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David Odenwald
22 articles

Victory 200 Operation Eagle Claw

July 19, 2023 · in Aviation · · 12 · 547

Said I had wanted to model an aircraft from so here is Victory 200 with its asymmetrical black bands.

This is the F-14A Tomcat. Kit decals with a little bit of Eduard were used. Aftermarket - Eduard, Cross Delta, Dream Model, Flying Leathernecks, and Furrball. Paints were mainly Vallejo via airbrush with some Model Master thrown in using a paint brush. Off and on took about six months to build.

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6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Looks great! After seeing your earlier post about Op Eagle Claw, I found that I have decals for two F-4N's, one from each of the VMFA units, to do a pair of Phantoms in Eagle Claw markings! Don't hold your breath though - I've got a lot of others in the build queue to get to first...

    • Thanks Greg.

      Build queue? What's that? Oh yeah the TBD-1 that leap frogged the two stalled Eduard Wurgers, built two 190Fs in a row before starting two more and a 109F and then I got sick of the Luftwaffe. So yeah I totally understand. But I hope you get to one F-4N eventually, who knows Zoukei-Mura might have a 1/48 F-4N out.

      Found another Operation Eagle Claw photo of an F-4N. I added it also to the article with the other photos.

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  2. Looks awesome, David!

  3. Very nice TomCat, David @Kahu
    It always has been an amazing aircraft and your build clearly shows that.

    • The Tomcat has always looked amazing to me. Started a Monogram F-14A ages ago but after turning each GRU-7 into an 18 piece masterpiece the energy ran out. Tamiya Tomcats are a lot more satisfying to build, which is probably why I have three more on hand and a fourth awaiting shipment from Japan. Somebody stop me.

  4. Looks like six months well spent, good looking Tomcat.

  5. What a lovely build of the iconic Tomcat! Awesome job. @kahu
    Still on my wishlist to build one, guess you can recommend this Tamiya kit?

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